Dec 05, 2004 17:19
Wow! i really am the worst at this livejournal buisness! i never update, ever! I'm not going to update you since my last entry, since that was ummmm September, and that would take me ALL DAY! instead i'm just going to update from yesterday......We had a garage sale, which you can imagine how well that went, since it rained ALL day! During this lovely garage sale, Hailey (my beast of a dog) ran away....So, she was completely covered in mudd, and smelled like poo, so i gave her bath. Katie was here to help, thank goodness for that! It was torture, we got up SO early, so we had done all of this by like 10! Sooooo, we decided to reward ourselves, so we went to dunkin donuts. The girl working there wasn't very nice! VERY PUSHY AND RUDE! haha, maybe cause it was taking me so long to decide what i wanted, and the place was packed! hahahaha.....oh boy i crack myself up! Anyway, we went to walmart, and got Jill's present...and then we headed back to my house. Still way early in the day! the day dragged forever! We made Jill's gift, and then Katie went home to take a nap.......I wasnt that lucky. Mary-Lynn and I got suckered into playing monopoly with Will. We actually had to read the directions before we played too! WHO READS DIRECTIONS?!?!?! it's way more fun to make your own rules!...........How many of you thought "free Parking" was just a resting place....and you get no reward what so ever?!?! NOT ME! I thought all the tax money went in the middle, and when you landed on "Free Parking" you won it ALLLLL! Well, when i landed on "Free Parking" and didnt get squat! i was mad! hahaha. I lost anyway...i kinda went bankrupt, i guess i dont know how to strategize, or handle money for that matter! oh well........
Jill's Party was a blast! i had so much fun. Jamie and Jill Vanderoef were there....2 of the funnest people ever! I danced so much that i'm sore today. My butt is sore, who knew you used your butt to dance?! Well, this is really long, and half of you have probably stopped reading by I'm outta here! BYEEEEEEE