2005 In Review

Jan 10, 2006 23:50

Stolen from The Philsopher King. If you think I stole this meme from you, you're wrong.

1) Was 2005 a good year for you?
Getting my Dell, learning to play guitar again, and having an awesome summer were all high points. Watching my laptop explode, then getting my bike stolen, were all examples of ways this year sucked harder than usual. When you factor in the good times I had in school, both in class and with friends, I think I came out slightly ahead.

2) What was your favorite moment of 2005?
Oooh! Oooh! This one! I think playing guitar again after a 2-year break to focus on my Mario Kart career was pretty balls-out awesome.

3) What was your least favorite part of 2005?
Easy: the exact second I realized someone stole my bike. To this day, I still think I stroked out and put it somewhere and then forgot it.

4) Did you keep any of your new year's resolutions?
"Go outside the house and meet a girl"? Did it. I never said I'd date her, so it's your fault for not closing that loophole!

5) Do you have any new year's resolutions for 2006?
Learn how to play "Blackened" and get "Master of Puppets" to sound right. Those 2 will take a year, tops.

6) Did you fall in love in 2005?

7) If yes, with who?
My new guitar! DUH.

8) Are you still in love with him/her?
Fuck yes!

9) Did you do anything weird in 2005?
Yes, everything.

10) Did you break up with anyone in 2005?

11) Did you make any new friends in 2005?
Where do I start? Natalie+1, Dan L., Clarence, Felipe, Steven from 154B, and tons more that I can't recall this exact second! Plus, I hung out with Jeremy a lot from about January until I returned to school in October.

12) Who are your new favorite friends?
Everyone in the above list, including the ones I did not mention.

13) Did you get along better or worse with your family in 2005?
About the same. I had more fun in the summer, because I didn't have to be in the house away from my Dell and my guitar studio for so long.

14) What was your favorite month of 2005?
July, because all the good shit went down that month!

15) Did you travel outside of the U.S. in 2005

16) How many different states did you travel to in 2005?

17) Did you lose anybody close to you in 2005?
Uncle Ruddy and his family moved to Texas, then Colorado, so my baby cousin Lara went away.

18) Did you miss anybody in 2005?
Yes! My baby's gone! TUESDAY'S GONE WITH THE WIND!!!!!

19) What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2005?
A split vote between Sin City and Revenge of the Sith. Sin City was a marvelous comic book movie, and Revenge of the Sith was a fun ride if you ignore the middle part.

20) What was your favorite song from 2005?
Weezer's "We Are All On Drugs". This shit kept Hellbunny and me laughing for months!

21) What was your favorite record(s) from 2005?
How bout favorite TV shows instead? The Shield and 24 both excelled in their 4th seasons, Arrested Development kicked major ass, and Battlestar Galactica was the breakout show of the year. It was an awesome year!

22) How many concerts did you see in 2005?
A ton of bar/club shows, but no major concerts since Nov 28, 2004.

23) Did you have a favorite concert in 2005?
The first Metalpalooza show at the Britannia Arms.

24) Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2005?
A lot more than last year, that's for sure. It seems like every time I go to Chevy's, I get a damn margarita! And when I go to Cousin Amber's house, I have 1 and a half!

25) Did you do a lot of drugs in 2005?

26) How many people did you sleep with in 2005?
None, but that's because my bed is small and only fits one person.

27) Did you do anything you are ashamed of in 2005?

28) Have you earned or picked up any new titles for yourself this year?
Hot Rhythm Guitar Player!

29) What was the worst lie someone told you in 2005?
"You're so handsome!" This was before getting my new shampoo and the haircut, of course.

30) Did you treat someone badly in 2005?
Not more than usual.

31) Did someone treat you badly in 2005?
Not more than usual.

32) How much money did you spend in 2005?
A lot more than usual, cuz I bought a new guitar!

33) What was your proudest moment in 2005?
Finishing the Prolog assignment for ECS 140A (Programming Languages) 30 min after it was due. I was so happy, I turned it in anyways.

34) What was your most embarassing moment of 2005?
Can't think of any. Getting sick at Hellbunny's BBQ was not fun, though.

35) If you could go back to any moment in 2005 and re-experience it, what would it be?
Can't, I'm saving that "go back in time" trip for Summer Sanitarium 2000.

36) What are your plans for 2006?
Graduate, take a step out my door, and don't stop walking for anything. Also, nail "Disposable Heroes".
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