On the bridge a strategy session was in full swing. Having no particular plan of his own other than to catch up to the homicidal Romulan called Nero and somehow stop him, Jim was willing to listen to suggestions no matter how outrageous or who their source. Had a coterie of the Enterprise's maintenance crew come before him with an idea, he would have listened to it with as much respect as he gave the thoughts of Chekov and the rest of the ship's tactical team.
But first they had to find some way to resolve the small matter of the distance separating them from the Narada.
"Can we catch up?" Jim finally asked the question that could not be avoided.
Sulu had already run the simulation half a dozen times, each time factoring in different options that represented wishful thinking more than they did solid physics. His response this time was identical to the previous six.
"Not a chance. I've run every option, Captain. They're going to be in geosynchronous orbit around Earth in eight minutes. We'll never make it."
"Even if we could," McCoy pointed out, "you can't go in with guns blazing."
"The doctor is correct, Keptin." As chief tactical officer it was Chekov's job to anticipate an enemy's moves, to put himself in their position-however distasteful the mental transposition.
"First of all, they'll have their own defenses up. They'll be looking for remnants of the fleet as well as local defenses to strike out at them. Ground-based aircraft and missiles won't have a chance of penetrating their shields. Any ship of starship size that drops out of warp near Earth will get pulverized before it has a chance to respond. And we already know that this Narada from the future is far more powerful than any Federation vessel." He shook his head dolefully. "The only chance we might have of inflicting any significant damage is to take them completely by surprise." Tactical chief and helmsman exchanged a knowing glance.
"There's no way we can drop out of warp within effective attack range without them detecting our presence and responding," Sulu added. "They'll be scanning everything inside the orbit of Mars. If we emerge outside detection range it's even worse: they'll have plenty of time to see us coming if we try to engage on impulse power."
Jim considered. "Then we have to find a way to get on that ship and steal the device from under them."
"Don't you mean ‘destroy' the device, Keptin?" Chekov asked.
Jim sighed. "And how do you propose destroying it, Mister Chekov? If you destroy its dual containment fields, then you end up releasing the contents." He smiled thinly. "That's just what we want-a bunch of Red Matter floating around the solar system. We have to capture the device in one piece. Then we can utilize it, dispose of it-whatever Starfleet decides to do."
"As far as getting on board the Romulan vessel, ye can forget transwarp." Scott was emphatic.
"Beaming from a fixed point on a planetary surface to a ship travelin' in subspace is one thing. Tryin' to beam from a ship travelin' through subspace onto another travelin' through subspace boggles the calculus." He looked at Jim. "Hittin' a bullet with another bullet is hard enough. Imagine if both guns are in motion."
More hopeful than realistic, Jim glanced toward communications. "Anything from Captain Pike? At this point I'd be happy to hear him acting as intermediary for terms of surrender-anything to indicate he's still alive."
"I'm sorry, sir," Uhura reported gravely. "I've been monitoring all channels including the original reception frequency from the Narada. There's been nothing."
"Keptin Kirk?"
Attention on the bridge shifted to Chekov "Yes, Chekov?" Jim prompted him.
"We can't drop out of warp close enough to the Narada to fight her or to transport an assault team aboard without alerting her defenses. To be sure of avoiding their detectors yet achieving your aim, we have to come out of warp somewhere close enough for our transporter system to be able to lock onto the Romulan ship without activating her defensive system."
McCoy stared at him. "What would you suggest? Coming out of warp behind the moon? If we come out of warp and there's a solid body between us and the Narada, then we can't use our transporters. If we come out of warp behind the moon and move out to where we can use our transporters, then they'll spot us. And if we emerge far enough out so that they don't detect us, then they'll spot us when we move in close. There's no solution."
"Your pardon, Doctor, but I believe there is."
"Go on, Chekov," Jim urged him.
Chekov warmed to his argument. "We need to emerge from warp somewhere close enough so that Mister Scott can get a direct transporter line on the enemy but sufficiently hidden so that they don't become aware of us. All this talk of dangerous supernovas has got me to thinking. Unless Romulan technology has changed or advanced so much that it is beyond imagining, their detection systems should still be highly sensitive to very strong magnetic fields."
"What are you suggesting?" This time it was Sulu's turn to object. "That we come out inside Jupiter's magnetic field? We can't maneuver in there for the same reasons detectors don't work, and if we emerge on the side of the planet where we can get a transporter sight on the enemy, they're likely to have other long-range detectors that will pick up the distortion caused by our appearance."
Chekov nodded knowingly. "Not Jupiter, Mister Sulu. Saturn."
The helmsman shook his head doubtfully. "Magnetic field is still eight thousand times stronger than Earth's and would play havoc with our instrumentation. And there's still the transporter line problem."
"I was not thinking of Saturn itself." Chekov let his gaze shift among his fellow crew members.
"What about Titan?"
"Titan?" Jim considered briefly, looked toward his helmsman. "Mister Sulu?"
"Already on it, Captain. It might-it just might work. If we come out of warp on the outsystem side of Titan, our presence will not be noticed by the Narada. We can then maneuver to get a transporter line on the Romulan ship. We should still be sufficiently masked from detection by Saturn's magnetosphere and by its mixing with Titan's much weaker one. Additionally, the Titanian atmosphere will mask any visual that might alert the Romulans, and the ionization that is continually taking place in its upper atmosphere will further serve to conceal the Enterprise's signature. And unlike emerging behind our own moon, if we are detected we'll be far enough outsystem to get back into warp before they can attack." He looked at Chekov admiringly. "I think, Mister Chekov, you picked the one place in the solar system where we can hide and still give Mister Scott a chance to beam an attack team onto the Narada."
McCoy wasn't quite ready to accede to the strategy. "Now wait a goddamn minute! How old's this kid?"
"I am seventeen." Chekov sat up straighter in his seat. "How old are you, Doctor?"
"Old enough to shave," McCoy shot back. "And when I shave, I'm only holding whiskers in my hand-not the fate of worlds."
The dispute might have escalated further save for an interruption by a new voice.
"Doctor-Mister Chekov is correct."
Everyone on the bridge turned simultaneously toward the lift. Striding toward them was a familiar figure, but it was not the same as the one who had left. This Spock was renewed in purpose and clear of eye and voice. What had happened to bring about the transformation none of them could imagine. They only knew they were glad to see him back on the bridge.
Jim tensed, but the Vulcan's manner was calm, composed-almost serene. And professional.
When he spoke, there was a determination in his voice that had not been there before.
McCoy was not in the least intimidated. "How do you know he's correct?"
"I have not just been sitting in my quarters bemoaning recent events, Doctor. That would have constituted an illogical waste of precious and rapidly disappearing time. In the course of my research I reviewed similar information and have come to similar conclusions." He eyed Chekov "Though it remained for Mister Chekov to formulate the exact stratagem."
Chekov did not quite blush. "Tactics are what I was trained for."
Spock turned to face Jim. There was not a trace of animosity in his tone or posture. "If Mister Sulu can maneuver us into position according to the dictates expressed by Mister Chekov, and relying on Mister Scott's expertise in calculating transporter delimitations, I believe I can be beamed aboard Nero's ship."
Jim's tone was uncommonly serious. "I won't order you to do that, Mister Spock."
Spock regarded his former adversary as if nothing untoward had ever passed between them. "Romulans and Vulcans share a common ancestry. Unless, as Mister Chekov suggests, the technology on board the Narada has changed beyond recognition, I am probably sufficiently familiar with Romulan scientific and engineering standards to access their ship's functions and thereby locate the device." He paused ever so briefly. "And-my mother was human. Which makes Earth the only home I have left. So I have as much reason and rationale as anyone to want to risk my life in hope of preserving it."
Everyone's eyes remained on him, but his lingered only on Uhura's. No one really noticed-except McCoy. As chief medical officer he was attuned to subtle aspects of crew performance that escaped his colleagues.
"Then I'm coming with you," Jim declared with conviction.
Spock considered what was, after all, not a request but an inevitable declaration of intent. "I would cite regulation stating that a captain and science officer should not be off their ship at the same time, especially in potentially hazardous situations, but I know you will simply ignore it-as I suspect you are frequently likely to do in the future, should we come out of this alive."
Jim repressed a smile. "See? We're getting to know each other."
Spock straightened slightly. "It would be foolish to say that continuing contact does not beget familiarity-however intemperate that contact has been on occasion."
The Enterprise arrived at Titan quietly, almost like they were invisible. Chekov made sure that they weren't being scanned or hadn't been noticed. It had all gone to plan. Communications were silent on all frequencies.
In the main transporter room Kirk and Spock were readying themselves for departure. Utility belts, tricorders, phasers-they needed to take enough gear to try and ensure the success of their mission but not so much that it would slow them down. At least they were able to leave behind food and water. If they were on the Romulan vessel long enough to have to either eat or drink, then they likely already would have failed.
When word reached them from the bridge that the Enterprise had successfully emerged from warp and had entered Titan's atmosphere without being detected, Kirk was unable to suppress a grin.
"Well done, Mister Sulu, Mister Chekov," he called toward the nearest comm pickup.
"Outstanding work. One more thing. If we manage to really kick 'em where it hurts and you think you have a tactical advantage, don't hesitate to shoot to disable, even if we're still aboard.
That's an order. If we can't gain possession of the device but you can cripple their ship, then you'll be able to negotiate from a position of strength. Mister Spock's survival and mine is not necessary to the success of this…enterprise. Understood?"
"Understood, Captain. Good luck."
Having already equipped Kirk, Uhura was in the process of passing a special translator to Spock.
"This goes in place on your uniform, in the chest area. Far enough from your mouth to enjoy some protection, close enough to pick up speech and transmit replies."
"I am aware of the instrument's optimal location," Spock replied quietly.
"Yes-yes, of course you are." She eased it into place. "We don't have a full understanding of Romulan syntax-some of their words and names are hard to pronounce-but I've modified these translators to allow you to speak and to be understood conversationally."
"Thank you, Nyota."
Standing nearby, Kirk reacted sharply. Nyota? That was her first name? But how did Spock…?
As he looked on, she proceeded to attach the tiny translator unit to the science officer's uniform. Then he bent forward-to whisper something over the buzz of conversation in the transporter staging area, no doubt. There was no doubt when he kissed her-of that much a startled Jim was completely certain.
She put a hand on his chest, letting her fingers drift slowly past the translator unit.
"Be careful. Come back."
"I always endeavor to come back," he murmured with equal tenderness. "Especially when I have something to come back to."
She stepped clear, turned, and exited the transporter bay. Even at a distance Jim could see that her eyes were moist.
"Time, gentlemen." From his position behind the main transporter controls, Montgomery Scott eyed both officers solemnly. First Jim, then Spock, stepped up onto the transporter platform.
Turning, they placed their hands behind their backs and positioned themselves in readiness.
Spock's mind was focused laser-like on the dangerous task on which they were about to embark.
Jim's was-momentarily distracted.
"Her first name is…" He broke off, careful not to stray from the transporter pad on which he stood. "How'd you pull that one off?"
Leveled straight ahead, Spock's gaze, like his attention, did not wander. "I have no comment on the matter." Jim just stood on his own pad, grinning at the science officer.
"If there's any common sense to their ship design and if it relates in any practical way to what we know of smaller Romulan vessels, then I'll be puttin' ye right in the cargo bay," Scott told them. "Big enough open space to ensure you don't materialize inside one of the crew.
Considerin' they're not here to pick up a load of souvenirs, there shouldn't be a soul in sight.
Good luck to ye."
Jim nodded. There was little left to say. There was only to do.
"Energize, Mister Scott."
Slower than Spock's or Sulu's fingers but, if anything, more sure of themselves, the engineer's hands moved over the transporter controls. Light flickered within the bay, and in a matter of seconds the two men were gone, taking with them the hopes of every man, woman, and Vulcan on board the Enterprise.
And the future of planet Earth.
[NFB, NFI. Taken from the ST novelization. Almost done!]