Sep 20, 2011 23:02
I bought my mum a computer and she finally got the Internet, which means that I can spend my holidays the same way i spend my regular days - by watching TV shows on the internet. Yay.
How I Met Your Mother - I really like this show. Sure, it gets frustrating how they keep promising us The Mother but all we get is getting maybe an inch closer and few feet back but overall, I care about and like all the characters. This episode was quite good and established another question we maybe will get an answer to at the end of the season; who is Barney marrying. I'll be honest, I don't like that they are revisiting Robin and Barney - I didn't like that they broke them up the way they did but they did it so let's move on - as until this moment we've never seen any indication that any of them has any feelings towards the other. In a show that has an entire season planned ahead, where every gesture can take a new meaning 10 episodes in the future, this is a big nono. So who is The Bride? Robin or That English Chick? My money are on girl number 3.
Two and a Half Men 9x01 I hate this show like I hate The Nazis. Having said that, I've seen a lot of episodes due to the "oh god, it's 1 pm and there's nothing on TV, let's watch Comedy Central" syndrome I used to have (back when I had a TV) so I can tell you that I have legit reasons to hate this show, as I've seen enough to hate it for. Hated Charlie Sheen's character, the jokes were not funny, the characters were over the top in a wrong way (on contrary to, let's say, Glee, where they are were over the top in the most awesome way ever), 95% of plots were mean spirited, The Brother was faith's bitch etc. And yet, I have tuned in to see the 9x01 to see Ashton Kutcher and the departure of Charlie Sheen. Still not funny, still mean-spirited but hawt damn!!! AC ROCKS! He's actually nice and charming instead of a douche, he's shown naked more than once and there are a couple of awesome cameos and slashy vibes. Will I be watching more? Probably one more episode, to see if the "being naked" thing is a permanent fixture. :D
Glee 3x01 We are being promised Glee going back to the basics. We were told they know s2 was crap and what they did wrong and that they would fix it. They promised no more Warblers, and that Karofsky will be back for sure. I don't believe them, I heard that many times before every time there was a longer break. I don't doubt they can make show seem like s1 again (maybe) but how are they planning to undo the plain awfulness of s2 and the bitterness it left behind? Are they going to make the first episodes all about addressing the issues of s2? Will, when Blaine announces to Kurt that he wants to change the school "because he loves him", Kurt will tell him to cut the crap because they are 16 for crying out loud and they need to start doing things because they are right and not "because love told them to do it". Will he tell him he'd seen Rachel take back Finn when she should have kick him in the nuts and Emma dump her husband for Will and Finn selfishly ruin everything for everyone ~because love~ and fuck this shit, if you can't make up your mind for an actual reason, then go back to Dalton? Will Tina laugh at Mike's declarations of love because only 1 year ago, she loved Artie forever and ever and ever and then Artie loved Brittany for ever and ever and then Brittany loved Santana and for God's sake, THEY ARE 16!!!! I really doubt it. I predict more of a "sweep it under the rug" treatment so no, not falling for that again. Fool me once, guys...