Chord is out of Glee. And I just got this icon! Dammit!

Jul 02, 2011 19:30

It's been confirmed today that Chord Overstreet is not going to be in s3 and that Darren and Harry are going to be regulars. Nonoe of this surprises me, the rumors of there being a spoiled, unlikable diva on the Glee set date back to January and the people's money were on either Darren or Chord (though it makes more sense it's Darren since Chord has several close friends on the show and Darren only seems to hang out with Max and is ignored by the core cast). I think this is the only reason RyMu would get rid of a characer like Sam, he sells well, he's likable, he has fans and Chord is kinda hot. Poor Mark, who's going to play golf with him now? ;_; *watches her Save ship sinking* *sighs*

But in the good news! Matt/Sam shipping can now begin! :D

tv, glee

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