Gratuitous Fandom Post

Nov 03, 2007 15:13

I’ve finally watched Hot Fuzz and I must say, I’m pleasantly surprised. I mean, I knew the movie’s gonna be great but I expected something completely different. Any expectation I had about this movie was twisted around, chewed and thrown at me, gently, yet firmly. Of course, as usually, I have a complain of the “why nobody told me!” nature. Why nobody told me that Martin Freeman is in the movie? Yes, I know his role was tiny but he WAS THERE. People, I watched the whole The Office three times because of that guy and suffered every minute of it, you have to cooperate with me here, ok?

Bones (3x05, Mummy in the Maze) was awesome. One of the best episodes to this day. Not only it was funny, not only filled with those little quirks that make the series so awesome but it featured Brennan dressed up as Wonder Woman and Booth as Clark Kent (I know from a reliable source that he wore a Superman t-shirt under his shirt :D) . When Brennan did a spin at the end I squealed like a little girl. Seriously, watch it, even if you are not a fan of the series.

Justice Society of America was as thoroughly enjoyable as every month (and a half) and seeing Obsidian speaking made my heart sing with joy. It also reminded me that I miss Manhunter. I read all 30 issues over the past couple of days and was a bit surprised that I’d forgotten that Damon flirted with Hawkman and later, complained that he didn’t respond. Hawkman and Obsidian are in one team, Damon is Obsidian’s boyfriend… oh, don’t tell me you don’t want to see that awkward scene with them meeting now (though I’m not sure Carter would remember, I bet he gets hit on all the time).

Countdown sux. Here, I finally said that. Nothing redeems it at the moment, not even the Piper/Trickster storyline. For a few issues it seemed that Search For Ray Palmer may be the new upside but first they killed Jokester and now they’ve made Donna and Kyle act like twelve years old.

Big Barda existed since 1971 but it took me only six months of fangirling to kill her. I’m incredible. /sarcasm + headdesk

tv, films, countdown, bones, martin freeman, justice society of america, comics, the office, dc

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