Sep 13, 2007 18:29
Finally, the parcel with my comic books they'd send almost 2 weeks ago arrived. Seriously, it couldn't have more adventures on the way.
Marvels TPB - yesssssssssssss. Ross The Magnificent (is that the thing you people call artgasm?) + nekkid Namor + The Most Awesome Busiek = WIN
Cable and Deadpool vol 7 Separation Anxiety TPB - it breaks my heart to know that there only be one more TBP and it's the end. I loved that comic book. I loved Cable and Deadpool, and Bob (Agent of HYDRA), and Weasel, and Irene, and Black Box, and the whole HO, YAY! I'll miss it :`(
Marvel Adventures: The Avengers vol 1-3 digest - A Marvelverse where nobody is a dick and IM is a good guy? No wai! And yet, yes wai! Sidenote: Zemo is gay for Cap.
Deadpool GLI - Summer Fun Spectacular - oh, like I need to tell what this one is all about
Sensational Spider-Man #39 - ...Eddie ;_;
52 #51 - g, took them only 3 tries to deliver it to me. Note the sarcasm, please. Anyone wants a free 52 #50?
Justice League: A New Beginning - yes, the one in which Ted and Booster meet for the first time
cable and deadpool,