Over at
scans_daily we have far more important things to discuss that Harry Potter - like the fact that Gail Simone left Birds of Prey and is now going to write Wonder Woman.
People (me amongst them) are skeptic about the new BoP writer and wonder how long it will take before he goes for OMG!DRUMMAH!!! and kills Misfit.
Gail Simone answers. Of course, this may mean that either Creote or Savant are the ones that going to bite it. Creote probably is safer due to the fact that he's gay and therefore a minority but Savant is allegedly straight white male... so yeah. A pity really, I hoped he'd at least acknowledge Creote's love for him :/
On a side note - I have a total girl!crush on Big Barda. It's the mega-rod people,
must be the mega-rod...
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, hefty...
I've made Cap icon. I needed one and there was this lovely scene of pure PWNage. ♥