Civil War: Young Avengers/Runaways #4

Nov 09, 2006 18:46

It's official. The Gays are made of rubber - they always bounce back.
Except for Freedom Ring *takes the hat off* who was made of awesome and was well adjusted in his gayness, so he had to DIE. :`(

Anyway, the gays bite back and the tranny omg!awesomeROOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR! PWNS! OWNS! RULZ!!!!1111!!one!!LOLZ! :D Who is surprised?

So, what can I say about it more? I have mixed feelings. The art actually grew on me. Yeah, Billy looks anorectic and Young Avengers look 30 not 16 but aw, hell, I'll live with that. We got (re)introduced to a new, asskicking character (ah, Noh-Var... one day I'll tame your wild ways *purrrrrs*) and we saw some Billy/Teddy and Xavin/Karolina cuteness (also Molly and Tommy were SWEET together. If she wasn't 9, I'd ship them).
Charactarization was pretty awful at some points and eeeeeeeerm... BILLY'S POWERS DON'T WORK THAT WAY! Stop screwing with the canon! Have the writer even read any issues of Young Avengers, especially the early ones?
And a major peeve, why didn't Billy and Teddy kiss? Or hug? Or anything?! They are BOYFRIENDS dammit. You made them gay, you ACT them gay! I saw more gay subtext between Cable and Deadpool, sheesh! *rolls eyes* Come on, does it even count as touching?

runaways, comics, marvel, civil war, young avengers, reviews

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