black belt is the new black belt

Mar 13, 2017 00:59

"We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training."
- Archilochos

Just back from a weekend in Princeton at Aikido Camp, where I tested for 2nd dan (2nd degree black belt). I had to show a variety of throws and take-downs against a variety of strikes (overhand, side of the head, stomach punch, and kick) and grabs (shoulder, elbow, wrist, choke-hold, and full-nelson), techniques against bokken (wooden sword), bokken kata, and then freestyle against 5 attackers at the same time. I should mention that the "test" is a demonstration - you'd have to fuck up really badly to fail (and that would reflect badly on your instructors). But you still want to look good, at ease with the techniques. Anyway, total eye of the hurricane, but it felt good, only a couple minor screwups, and I'm told it looked good. Sadly, I don't have any video to show you.

I knew it was going to happen sometime this weekend, just not exactly when. Turns out it was at the end of this morning's class. I had just helped with freestyle on a shodan (1st dan) test, when I was called up for my test. So no time to think or get nervous, just straight into action, and trust my training. I'd had a plan of action, but I hadn't really rehearsed it. I got in a few of the flashier techniques, but forgot about a bunch more. Mostly it was the go-to techniques that were in muscle memory.

Saturday after class, I went for a 6½-mile run along the canal tow-path, and through the Institute Woods. I hadn't been running in over a week, but I like to run when I'm traveling, and I'd gotten lost attempting this run last year. So despite the fact that it was 28 degrees and I was going to be running well into the twilight, I suited up and want out (and didn't get lost). At one point, I ran right past a deer - I heard her when she moved, looked back, and she was just looking at me, like "you know there's nothing chasing you". It was long(ish), and slow(ish), but I determined that I was going to finish with the same good form I'd started. Which is how this ties into the testing.

The photo above was taken right after my test - I'm the disheveled one. Then it was lunchtime, but I hung out on the mat, picking up fine points of technique from some of the more advanced students, and helping an orange belt understand a technique we had worked on in a group together. Sensei says "help each other", but really, we just can't shut up about it.

Later, the traditional celebratory dinner at Popeye's at the Vince Lombardi Service Area on the Jersey Turnpike.

This comes on the 10-year anniversary of my shodan test, which was at the end of Sunday afternoon class, Winter Camp 2007. I know it's a minimum of 4 years before I can test for sandan (3rd dan), but I'm really looking forwad to it. (And then, no more testing - 4th dan and up are bestowed by Sensei. So I better make the most of it.)

BTW, the quote was something I heard for the first time last night, in the middle of a Tim Ferriss podcast on an unrelated topic. It struck me as so incredibly apropos, and such a good description of what happens when shit gets real.

running, aikido

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