Check out the video at this
link. Its a hilarious, steam-punk, semi-retro parody of the Transformers mythos and a telling lesson on why taking oneself too seriously is usually a path to the wastebin( as evidenced by the absolute faff that was Transformers 2, forget what its boxoffice take was). I loved this cute little video also for the steam-punk mood pervading it: steam-punk is one of my favourite genres of science fiction and I'm not only talking about Gibsonesque dystopias.
This video also reminds me of the Transformer-as-Bangalore-auto-rickshaw cartoon I read a while ago ( can't remember where, for the life of me). A lady approaches an auto to travel somewhere and, inresponse to her specifying the destination, the rickshaw, i ntrue TRansformers style, 'transforms' into a hulking 'Auto'bot ( pun intended) and demands "OneandHalffff!" from the lady. Classic! Must find it and put it up.
Update: Here is the
comic.Do check out the author's blog, too -, maintained by Jai Iyer, with incisive, laugh-out-loud caricatures of Indian life juxtaposed with modern times. [ Especially brilliant is his series on Annavru as a superhero, set in 1970s Bangalore . LOL ]