Fic: Déjà Vu (Slash, Star Trek XI, Kirk/McCoy, NC-17, Complete)

Jul 03, 2009 23:33


New to post. This was an answer to a prompt about a month ago and iceiwynd encouraged me to post my first Kirk/McCoy

-gulping, sweating-

This fic I would like to dedicate to iceiwynd (for her inspiration) and inell (for completely selling me to Kirk/McCoy so much with her vibrant writing, I'd answered four prompts just so I can write about them. lol.)

Title: Déjà vu
Author: d8rkmessngr
Fandom: Star Trek: Reboot'verse
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: PG-13
Words: words, Complete, betaed by iceiwynd
Summary: The aliens just got the wrong secrets.
Warnings: implied past sexual abuse
Author's Notes: This was a prompt from st_xi_kink: Say Kirk attempted suicide a couple of times when living under his step-dad's roof, for obvious reasons, and a crew member (preferably Spock or Bones) finds out in present day. Massive hurt/comfort ensues.

( It was one of those mind-reversal things, like seeing your life flashing before your eyes, mental files rifled through on a whim without his permission. )

x-posted to kirk_mccoy and newtrekslash

fandom: aos, fan: fanfiction, rating: nc-17

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