Fic: Jim & Bones in Iowa

Dec 27, 2014 16:48

Title: Jim & Bones in Iowa
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, anachronism, implied BJs in a barn
Summary: Kirk and McCoy are on leave, and go to spend Christmas with Jim's grandparents on their farm in Iowa.

There is angst and pining because it's Jim and it's Bones and it's me and I can't ever just let them be happy?

A sequel to "Jim & Bones in Georgia" but it stands alone -- all you have to know is that Jim and Bones were a ~thing when they were in school, but have agreed to keep a lid on things now that they serve together because if they were caught fraternizing they'd be assigned to different ships.
Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit from any of these lies.

Read it on AO3

fan: fiction, character: jim kirk, kirk/mccoy, fandom: aos, aos, rating: pg-13, fan: fanfiction, fan: fan fiction, character: leonard mccoy, fic

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