Kirk/Mccoy lost in water cave on away mission fic search.

Aug 26, 2014 11:20

Hello, all. As you might be able to guess from My subject line, I am searching FRANTICALLY for fic I read months ago, but, even though I remember so much about it, can not find it ANYWHERE.

The fic was , basically, five thousand and upwards words of K and M falling down into a underground cavern full of water, and getting trapped there for the majority of the fic, and, having to work out their issues finally post STID.

I KNOW it was on AO3, but, have scored that site, and, nothing.

Maybe the author took it off the net?

If ANYONE knows the name of one of My faves of this awesome pairing, PLEASE, help a fellow McKirker out?

Pretty please?

Hoping like mad with My fingers crossed here. that some lovely kind soul can help Me out, LonePanther.

fandom: aos, fan: fiction, star trek into darkness

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