Fic: Becoming Our Own, Part 6 - in TBoPE 'verse

Aug 13, 2014 01:22

Title: Becoming Our Own, Part 6
Author: Caera1996
Rating for this Part: G
W/C: 7,001
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Timeline Notes: A third anchor story (novel-length) in TBoPE/LAWG verse. Set five years after the end of Learning As We Go.
This Part: Jim is worried about a child who he thinks is being abused at home, and he struggles with the best way to handle the situation. Later, he, Bones and Joanna go to a dinner party at Dr. Yohe’s house to find out about Bones’ future at the hospital in light of the failure of his trial. While there, though, Jim is unsettled by what he thinks is a developing problem that scares him more than he’s able to express, and the night ends with them at odds with each other.

Read Becoming Our Own, Part 6

fandom: au, fan: fanfiction, rating: g

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