Fic: Where Temptation Follows (Éomer/James T. Kirk, fusion, PG, 2.3k)

Apr 06, 2014 10:45

Title: Where Temptation Follows
Pairing/Characters: Éomer/James T. Kirk (Prince Charming)
Universe: fusion Lord of the Rings (movies)/Into the Woods (Sondheim)/Star Trek AOS
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Word count: 2324
Summary: King Éomer debates the merits of his various suitors. There is more to Prince Kirk than meets the eye.
Author's notes: Written as comment fic for kinderjedi who made the Sunday, March 30 Daily Captain and Daily Doctor post at jim_and_bones. You must join the community to view the post, the comm is restricted to 18 and older.


"My lord, I think it is past time for me to depart. Coming here was a fool's errand on my part. But I am known for being a good part fool, so there is nothing to surprise anyone there." Kirk's mouth quirked to one side in rueful self-mockery.

"Aye, you do play the fool quite well, Kirk," Éomer agreed, nodding his head.

At my LJ

At AO3

fan: fan fiction, rated: pg

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