You Have My Heart

Feb 15, 2014 17:25

Title: You Have My Heart (a collection)
Author: klmeri
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Three standalone stories written for jim_and_bones' 2014 Sweethearts Challenge.
Prompts: I'M YOURS: Sometimes, underneath that veneer of bravado, Jim just needs to be reminded that he's got someone who loves him no matter what. And maybe Leonard does, too.

WHY NOT: During academy days, Jim and Leonard used to play a game they called "Why Not." Some of the Why Nots were things like: fly a kite in the Golden Gate Park; climb the tree outside Captain Pike's office and attach something silly to his window; order a different color drink in every bar on one block. Just silly, stupid stuff. Once aboard the Enterprise, the practice kind of dies out until one Valentine's Day. And then what happens?

And a Bonus story.

Or just read everything at AO3.

fandom: aos, rating: pg-13, fan: fanfiction

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