Fic: Triple Full (1/1)

Jan 10, 2014 15:00

Title: Triple Full
Author: Gixxer-Pilot
Summary: McCoy might be a cranky, snarky bastard, but even he's not immune to 'proud papa' moments when it comes to Joanna. It would have been nice if she'd picked a sport that wouldn't scare him into a heart attack, but beggars can't be choosers.
Word Count: Just a hair under 15,000
Author’s Notes: See chapter one for most of the relevant fic notes. The only real thing to know here is that I wrote this story well before Into Darkness was even in production, so it's definitely AU in that sense.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Star Trek or any of the gymnastics referenced herein. I only own this idea and a giant bag of dark chocolate Raisinets.
Chapter  | 1A  | 1B  | 1C  | 1D  | 1E  |

leonard "bones" mccoy, fan: fiction, character: jim kirk, rating: pg, rating: general, rated: pg, fandom: aos, james t. kirk, fan: fan fiction, character: leonard mccoy, star trek 2009

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