Fic: Will It Not Be a Clarity Between Two Dark Triangles

Nov 19, 2013 16:00

Title: Will It Not Be a Clarity Between Two Dark Triangles
Series: Star Trek AOS, which I'm sure we're all floored by
Rating: NC-17 due to explicit heterosexual and male/male homosexual sex. Plus swearing and some sparring.
Parings: Leonard McCoy/James T. Kirk, Leonard McCoy/Jamie T. Kirk, Jamie T. Kirk/Her Leonard McCoy, plus mentions and references to a shitton of others not limited to Spock/Uhura, Scotty/Chekov, Jim/OCs including a tentacle alien, Bones/OCs including alien twins, and some Sulu perving on Jim and Jamie. Plus both Bones and Jim did Gaila in her heyday and also Bones/Jocelyn. Wow, that is a LOT, but only the first three are significant.
Beta: maypirate and God bless her for being there for me through this.
Artist: foxycasbones GO LOOK IT'S INCREDIBLE
Mixer: aaweth-edain GO LISTEN IT'S AWESOME
Summary: All Bones wants is Jim, and even though Jim doesn't want him, it's all good. But then a female Jim from an alternate Enterprise shows up who's in love with HER Bones who doesn't want HER, and...why is Jim suddenly acting so weird about everything?
Word Count: 39,000ish
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue. I only own Jamie…sort of.

Read on AO3.

fandom: aos, fan: art, fan: fanmix, fic/art warning: genderswap, rating: nc-17, fan: fan fiction

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