Two Jim/Bones angsty fics

Aug 07, 2013 14:06

I come offering two related but stand-alone fics

Series Title: The Stories We Tell, The Lies We Live
Rating: R for language and mentions of adult activities
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Pairing: Jim/Bones
Characters & Relationships: Kirk, McCoy, Joanna McCoy, Christopher Pike (mentions of), Kirk & Pike, a couple OCs
Warnings: Spoilers for STID, Angst over past character death, Family ~Issues
Disclaimer: The words are mine. Everything else is Gene and JJ's, etc. No offence or money-making intended.
Series Summary: On leave in the aftermath of the attack on Starfleet, McCoy goes home to Georgia to spend time with his daughter and Jim ignores his own rest and recovery instructions to follow him there.

1) The Stories We Tell In The Dark
Jim is grieving. This McCoy knows but he hasn't realized how deeply, or exactly why. McCoy carries a wound that he's never let anyone else see. Fathers and sons, failings and families, angst and accusations. These are the stories they can only tell in the dark.

2) The Other Side of the Story
In which Joanna drags Jim and Bones along to her summer space camp as guests of honor, and the mood turns dark when they are brought face to face with evidence of the devastation Jim’s mad rush for vengeance has wrought in so many lives, and Bones faces an impossible choice - to stay in Georgia with his family or return to the Enterprise with his captain and friend.

fandom: aos, aos, rating: r, fan: fiction, fan: fan fiction, film: star trek into darkness

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