One week until the Star Trek Into Darkness premiere

Apr 16, 2013 15:39

In one weeks time the first premiere for Star Trek Into Darkness will be held in Sydney. We here at Kirk/McCoy thought it might be nice to put up a reminder of all the lovely pics we were treated to of the boys last time.

Once a day we will post up a picture from the 2009 premiere tour.

Unofficially we have dubbed them the ‘wedding’ photos as there was a bit of a feeling of those type of photos and poses when searching through our stores of images. This first one definitely feels a little like an engagement party snap.

Seven sleeps until the first premiere!

Credit for this art - and the full image can be seen over on the Kirk/McCoy tumblr here.

fandom: aos, fan: art, graphics: wallpaper, !modpost, promotion: communities

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