Fic: Between the Lines (PG)

Feb 18, 2013 02:51

Title: Between the Lines
Somehow the letters that don't get sent always end up where they're meant to be anyway.
Author: Dala
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: PG
Words: 1634
Disclaimer: standard applies
Written for: the Love Letters challenge at jim_and_bones, from kimuracarter's prompt: "A letter that Bones wrote but never intended Jim to actually read. 'Dear Jim, I know you'll never read this, but I wanted to write it down anyway. I wish I could tell you how I feel ...' And Jim does get his hands on the letter."

"But it's addressed to me!" Jim hollered back. "I think that makes it mine."

fandom: aos, fan: fanfiction, rated: pg

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