Fic For sharpestscalpel: "The Gift of Curiosity"

Dec 28, 2011 12:55

Title: The Gift of Curiosity
Recipient's name: sharpestscalpel
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: M!Kirk/M!McCoy, M!McCoy/M!Chekov, mentions of open relationship past pairings and other m!crew shenanigans
Kinks/Warnings: mu-style non-con, light bloodplay, voyeurism, bondage/rope play, threesome (sorta)
Word count: about 6,300 words.
Disclaimer: Not mine.

Summary: In the mirror universe, Bones is used to Jim giving him whatever he wants. And now he wants that pretty little navigator Chekov. Does Jim deliver? With bows on?

A/N: I hope that sharpestscalpel enjoys this venture into the mirrorverse. Many thanks to my fast turnaround betas. You know who you are.

I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity.
Eleanor Roosevelt


Jim watched his away team deal with the Daxians and the bodily remains of their fellows. Chekov and Sulu were dragging a body over to the pile, leaning it back over the others to best display the blue flesh and the large hole across the base of the neck.

Sulu glanced over toward Jim. He nodded slightly to Sulu to indicate that he should leave that body and move onto the next one. As Sulu spoke quietly to Chekov, Jim admired the twitching of the fresh scar on Sulu’s cheek. A further look around showed his best friend was also watching the pilot and navigator working together. Jim smiled slowly--he recognized the look well.

“Beam those two back,” Jim ordered, pointing at the Daxian pair who had been spared the final thorough viciousness of his away team. The Empire demanded knowledge and Jim knew exactly how to get it, or more importantly, how to wield his crew to great effect. The one Daxian that escaped would think it was their own good fortune, but Jim knew better. One needed to escape in order to lead the rest back to this clearing.

All of this flashed through Jim’s mind as he continued to take in Bones still watching Sulu and Chekov. Jim walked quietly to stand just behind Bones and watch with him, ignoring the sound of the transporter as two of the security team left for the Enterprise with the Daxians.

“Did Sulu tell you how he got that new scar?” Jim asked, keeping his voice low so as not to be overheard.

“Just said your orders were for it not to be healed.” Bones’ tone was as quiet as Jim’s.

“He might look innocent, but he survived the Academy still looking like that. Handy with a knife, as Sulu recently found out. Makes you wonder what else he is good at.”

Bones sent a swift look, with a flash of his hazel eyes, in Jim’s direction, before that intense gaze was back to observing the two men dragging the final body over to the pile.

“Do you want him? Stupid question. Of course you do,” Jim observed, noting the flare of interest in Bones’ eyes. The rest of his crew would just think it was Bones’ being the Chief Medical Officer and observing what the bodies could tell him about the Daxians. But Jim knew that predatory look in Bones’ eyes. It was the first look Bones had ever directed Jim’s way.

“I need to reward you,” Jim suddenly said, before flipping his communicator open. “Two to beam up.”

Jim took a step back so that he was the required distance for the transporter pad. Bones was standing very still and when they reappeared on the Enterprise, and Jim smiled with a slight tilt up of the corner of his mouth, to note that Bones was still looking in the direction where the hot, little blond navigator was when they were on the planet. Bones had learned over the years to hide his emotions, and his interests better, except when they were alone. Only then, much to Jim’s delight, would he let it all out. This time, Jim’s own impressive brain had only just noticed beforehand Bones’ intent gaze on the boy and so he had started thinking on the idea of presenting him for Bones’ delectation.

“Prisoners?” Jim asked as he stepped off the pad, feeling Bones’ presence at his back.

“Taken to Medical, Captain,” Scotty reported.

“Good. Make sure Security does not beam up until after Sulu and Chekov are back. Come along, Bones.” With those orders Jim walked from the Transporter room, knowing that Bones would follow.

He was right. Bones stepped up to walk next to him as they made their way along the corridor. As crew members rushed past, they would all stop and salute to him and Bones, before rushing on their way once they were acknowledged.

When the corridor split in two directions, Bones slowed down so that he could step behind Jim and then head in the direction of Medical like most of the time. He knew the punishment well for stepping in front of Jim.

“I’ll be on my way,” Bones said.

Jim reached out and grabbed onto Bones’ arm. “No,” he ordered. “With me.”

Bones glanced down at Jim’s hand before looking slowly back up at his face. Jim could see Bones was biting back the desire to pull his arm away. Jim allowed his pleasure at Bones controlling his desire to show.

“As you wish, Captain,” Bones replied, his voice showing his disdain for Jim’s title.

Jim walked on, heading in the direction of the turbolift. Bones followed, just as Jim ordered. They waited a moment before the doors opened and Jim stepped first inside. As the doors closed, Bones opened his mouth to speak, but Jim just shook his head slightly and glanced in the direction of the hidden camera in the lift. Bones sighed, closing his mouth and resting his head back against the wall of the lift. Jim admired the light reflecting off the wall and onto Bones’ dark locks. The doors opened and Jim exited, turning in the direction of Bones’ room. He didn’t need to look behind to know that Bones still followed. Jim enjoyed keying in his override to get into Bones’ room. Bones liked his privacy and his own space and Jim loved to show how he could enter where ever and when ever he wanted.

The lights automatically came on as Jim walked in. He glanced around the room, checking to make sure that everything was in place and that nothing and no one was hiding.

“What?” Bones asked as Jim heard the door close behind.

Jim turned and walked up to Bones, who stood his ground.

“Fuck, you’re hot,” Jim murmured as he pushed Bones in the chest, forcing him back to the wall.

Bones hit the wall, his arms coming up and Jim stepped in close, close enough to touch and feel all of Bones down his front. Bones’ dick was showing exactly how hot he found Jim in return, and Bones’ tongue in his mouth stopped Jim from talking while they both took what they wanted from each other. It was an old and familiar dance between them, but every dance always felt new and exciting to Jim. This man never bored him and vice versa, he was sure.

Jim grunted as he felt the cold wall at his back, Bones having pushed him quick and hard. He opened his eyes to see Bones staring back down at him. His biceps were gripped in those divine and strong surgeon’s hands.

“I don’t need you to pimp for me,” Bones growled out.

“Maybe I like getting you presents,” Jim countered, before he opened his mouth and slowly licked his top lip with his tongue. He knew exactly what to do to push Bones’ buttons and this was a master stroke. Bones could only watch intently as Jim wet his lip.

What Jim wanted happened next. Bones pushed down on his shoulders. Jim smiled as he slowly sank to his knees and looked up at Bones.

“I remember the thanks you gave me for that luscious wife of yours,” Jim said, the image of Jocelyn coming to mind, with her long blonde hair so good for holding onto, pulling her head up to make sure she kept her eyes open so he could watch as she came. “Pike’s best plan, sending me to Georgia to sweeten up the Darnells. She is a prime piece. I got you her and you got me.”

“Shut the fuck up, Jim,” Bones ordered as he placed his hands on Jim’s head.

Jim leaned forward to nose at Bones’ cock, through his pants. The smell of the man’s dick made his own twitch in anticipation. Jim bit the head of Bones’ cock, just enough to make Bones flinch, but his hands gripped harder on Jim’s head. With his own hands, he reached around to grab Bones’ ass and tilt his hips forward, so Jim could open his mouth and suck at Bones’ dick through his pants, fitting the thick head into his mouth, slobbering over Bones’ clothes, marking him.

Jim slowly pulled off and looked back up at Bones. “You have a type, Bones. Lucky I’m the only one to notice so far.”

Bones growled as he stepped back, dragging his hands off Jim’s head. “Yeah?”

“Dirty-blond and pretty.” Jim sat back on his heels, just looking up at Bones.

Bones leaned forward, hand gripping Jim’s chin hard as he tilted up his head. “Maybe,” Bones said before pressing a quick bite of a kiss to Jim’s lips. He let go and was striding toward the door.

Jim swiftly stood up. “Later, Bones. Enjoy those Daxians.”

Bones just grunted as the door opened.

Jim leaned back as he considered the rest of the day. Sending Bones off in a slightly foul mood would prove to be more discomfort for the Daxians than Bones usually would provide. He would be exceptionally thorough as always, once he got over his anger. This would allow Jim the time to plan as he wished. Jim stood up and walked over to the door before changing his mind and heading in the direction of Bones’ cabinet. It took him a moment to find the small box he was after, the lock took some figuring out. He checked the items inside, smiled, and locked it again. Before he left the room, he placed the box in front of Bones’ computer, where Jim knew he always checked whenever he came back to his room after a shift. Jim stood a little away from the door, preventing the triggering mechanism from recognizing a body as he looked back at the box. The memories made him smile, and he hoped there would be even better memories coming tonight.


“Shh,” Jim said as he rubbed a hand in a motion that from anyone else might have been considered soothing. He reached over to activate the comm. “Bones, it’s Jim.”

The door clicked free and opened. Jim pushed Chekov into the room ahead of him.

Jim smiled broadly to see that Bones was leaning back on his couch in front of his computer, with his little box cradled in his hands. Jim admired the contrast of the warm flesh of Bones’ fingers gripping ever so gently with the deep brown of the walnut of the box, shiny and smooth with age.

“I brought you a present,” Jim announced as he waved in Chekov’s direction.

“I see,” Bones observed as he slowly stood up with predatory grace. “Most presents are often wrapped.”

“Oh, I’ve tied him up nicely for you.”

Bones was slowly walking around Chekov and Jim noted that Chekov wasn’t sure which of the two of them he should be most wary of. Jim with his agonizer in his hand, held laxly at the moment although Chekov had had an excellent demonstration earlier of how fast Jim could wield it, or Bones and his intent and all that medical knowledge at his disposal.

Bones paused at his side and Jim knew what he was looking at. Cautiously, Bones was standing just out of Chekov’s range. His hands were free and Bones had seemingly listened to Jim’s warning about knives earlier.

“This gift appears to be a little faulty,” Bones pointed out.

“The transportation left a little to be desired,” Jim said. “He was a bit sharp initially, but all have been removed. Well, there might be one final hiding spot, which I thought to leave for you to inspect.”

“How kind,” Bones drawled as he stepped close to Chekov, his Southern accent deepening and making Jim’s cock leap to attention.

Jim admired the contrast between the broad solidity of Bones’ form and the lithe, narrow, and almost delicacy of Chekov’s form. Bones ran a finger down beside the cut on Chekov’s cheek, smiling a heavy lidded smile as he did so.

“You going to leave that mark or fix it?” Jim asked.

“He’s so pretty, would be a shame to mar him too much just yet. Might clean him up for the moment.” Bones smiled in Jim’s direction as he leaned in close to Chekov’s face. Chekov was watching Bones warily and Jim brought his agonizer into view, silently warning Chekov to behave like a good little present should.

Jim laughed as Bones slowly licked the cut, lapping at the slightly drying blood. Chekov stood perfectly still, but Jim noted the little twitch on his cheek that he couldn’t help from happening.

“He’s well trained already,” Bones said to Jim. “Now, you said he was all wrapped up for me. I don’t see any special wrapping.”

“Think of it as a treasure hunt,” Jim replied stepping closer himself, so that the agonizer was now pressed into Chekov’s back, just above the line of his pants. Jim slowly worked his hand around Chekov’s side to his front and started to undo his pants, smiling at Bones. Jim knew this was a skill that most didn’t think to learn--the ability to de-clothe someone swiftly and efficiently with one hand. Jim could even re-clothe them. But that was not the aim tonight.

Bones looked down at Jim’s hand and then glanced back at Jim, that sardonic eyebrow making its way up toward his hairline. Jim grinned at the sight of it.

“Ta da!” Jim announced as he opened Chekov’s pants and pushed them away from his cock, all the better to reveal its glory.

Bones held his breath for a moment as he looked at what was revealed. “Very good,” he murmured before he reached down to feel Chekov’s cock and the thin red twine that was encasing it from balls to just under the head.

Jim moved his hand out of the way to allow Bones as much access as he desired. Jim had admired his own handiwork just moments ago in his own Ready Room. The tip of Chekov’s cock was an angry flushed red, as all the blood rushed from the shaft up toward it and down toward his balls, which were just as red. Jim knew how tight they felt. Jim had gotten the idea of the wrapping when inspecting Chekov and noting that he was circumcised. It made this particular piece of torture a perfect way to present the gift.

Bones’ fingernail was playing with the slit and caused Chekov to hiss slightly. Jim looked at him, only to see Chekov staring straight ahead. Jim grabbed his head, fingers pressing hard into his scalp through the smooth, clean curls and forced him to look down.

“Look,” he ordered. “Look at his hands on you, boy. Gentle at the moment, but if you are good, he might give you some release. I wouldn’t and maybe he won’t. Doesn’t matter though. You are here for him and I know he is going to use you well.” Jim let go and stepped back, leaving Chekov to Bones’ care.

Bones grabbed Chekov’s balls and squeezed, causing him to cry out. Bones smiled, that heavy-lidded smile of pleasure Jim loved to see on his face.

“Strip. All of it.” Bones walked away and over to his box, which he had left on his table, turning his back to Chekov and instinctively knowing the boy would obey.

Jim leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest as he set out to observe. If Bones wanted him to leave, he would indicate it, but Jim loved to watch the man and Bones knew it. The best part of gift-giving was watching your recipient get pleasure from your present, plus Jim was curious as to how Chekov was going to react to Bones and his plans.

Chekov quickly and efficiently removed his clothes, dropping them neatly on the floor. Every movement proved to Jim that the boy was familiar with a situation like this, to a degree. Someone had trained him well to obey, anticipate and not annoy his master too much.

Chekov’s hand hesitated over his bound cock. The desire to remove the twine was obvious, but Jim knew his knots were good and tight and that they wouldn’t be easily undone.

“Leave it,” Bones said, never once turning back to watch. Chekov jumped slightly at Bones’ ability to know what he was thinking. “Get on the bed, on your back.”

As Chekov walked past him, Bones pulled out what Jim had earlier seen in the box, to dangle from his hand. A thin white length of rope. Jim walked into the bedroom space behind Bones. All the better to watch the man at work. Jim was good with ropes, but he wasn’t as good as Bones. Jim knew his smirk was making Chekov even more afraid than he had been, as he remembered a night he watched Bones bring Jocelyn off, with just a well tied knot.

Bones was placing Chekov’s body in the position he wanted and then he was leaning over the boy’s cock, slowly undoing Jim’s handiwork. It took a moment for Jim to realize that Bones had positioned the boy so that Jim could watch pretty much everything he had planned. He was lying at an angle across the bed, so Jim leaned back against the bedroom wall this time, making himself comfortable.

A whimper from Chekov had Jim watching closely as the flesh was released. Jim admired the way the pale flesh was showing the indentation of the twine. His cock was just like the rest of him: long, thin and pale. The sound had Bones using his nails a bit harder, and Jim was sure he was trying to get him to voice another. Jim would have been. A gag could be effective but it seemed Chekov was trying to hold his noises in himself.

Chekov was watching as Bones removed the final twine from around his balls. A little hiss was the only noise he made after the earlier whimper. Jim knew he had placed the rope a little tighter than normal, but an ensign who pulled a knife on his Captain had to learn about the consequences. He wouldn’t even get the honor of being fucked and used by Jim. Maybe when Bones was done with him for a while and once he had earned Jim’s notice some more, then perhaps he would get it.

The now released red twine was being held up for the boy to see, Bones waving it slowly to get his attention before he reached his arm over to the side and dropped it onto the floor. Jim watched the pale grey eyes of the boy follow the path of the twine as it floated slowly down, before he glanced back at Bones’ hands moving his leg up to bend at the knee.

Jim wondered what exactly Bones had in store for the boy. Would it be some full on knot work over his torso? Jim dismissed that quickly when he noted the two lengths Bones had selected. Too short for that kind of intricacy. Also it was a thinner than normal width that Bones was wrapping twice around Chekov’s thigh and Jim realized why Bones’ had undone his handiwork. He was going to create his own.

Jim moved his head to better watch Bones wrap the rope around the base of Chekov’s balls, adjusting to make sure it was exactly how he wanted. Chekov’s cock twitched a little at the restriction placed around his balls. Bones stood back to observe and judge his own work before moving back and tightening the rope a little. That there was no extra rope hanging off to the side was a testament to what a master Bones was at this. Jim had wanted to deck him the first time he snickered when Jim had been showing his own skills with the ropes. He might have pulled things a little tighter than he normally would, but he had resisted the need to hit the man. Later, Bones had proved exactly how he should have done it instead.

Chekov’s leg was moved back down and while Bones picked up the other piece of rope, Jim took the opportunity to admire the contrast between them. The completely submissive Chekov, all pale and naked, and Bones, strong, and fully clothed, exuding power.

They were both aware of some comments made about their friendship and if it was sexual or not, but most thought with both of them being such dominant men, that it wouldn’t be so. Those that believed otherwise, tried to test their theory that Bones was a submissive behind closed doors. Jim loved to see the results of his temper when someone tried. He was a neat bastard at the best of times, but get his temper exploding and the mess was divine.

Memories faded and Jim re-focused back to see what the plans were for the other piece of rope. One wrist had been secured and Bones was threading the rope from Chekov’s groin to behind his back, rubbing it between his ass cheeks. Bones was tying the end around the other wrist. Jim thought there was a little too much give to the length between the two wrists, but then Bones pulled down on one, forcing the arm in front of Chekov’s body to rest by his cock and dragging the rope between his ass and pushing the other arm up. The rope had to have burned a little with how fast Bones pulled on it. Now it was taut, but there was enough give that it gave Bones some options. The hand by his cock would be a temptation for Chekov but Jim was sure Bones wouldn’t want that to happen and if he did, there would be a punishment metered out swiftly.

Bones glanced in Jim’s direction and raised an eyebrow, silently asking his opinion. Jim gave a little shrug. This was Bones’ scene.

Chekov was pulled roughly onto his side before Bones walked around the bed to where Chekov’s head was. He leaned over to pull Chekov’s back arm up, like a chicken wing, making the rope taut again. Bones’ cock was now almost right in the boy’s face and Jim saw the flare in Chekov’s eyes. Jim knew exactly how that cock smelled. Fuck it was good. Best smell in the Universe, although he would never reveal that to a soul, living or dead.

Jim caught the smirking glance from Bones, before he straightened up and slowly undid his pants. Okay, so the smell was fucking awesome, but the sight of that cock springing free had Jim’s mouth watering. Chekov had every right to look a little hesitant--Bones had been blessed by the Gods. No helping hand from medicine with him: Jim had checked.

Chekov’s head was roughly pulled in the direction of Bones’ groin. He got one slap on the cheek from that gorgeous cock before he used his considerable brain to figure out that he should open his mouth. As the purple tinted tip of that cock disappeared into the boy’s mouth, Jim licked his lips a little and brought his hands up higher on his chest, reminding Chekov to behave himself. If Bones noticed, he was going to be very pissed later.

Bones was smart and kept the first thrusts a little shallow, testing out Chekov’s ability. It seemed he wasn’t too bad, ‘cause Bones tilted his head back further and was now thrusting deeper, Chekov involuntarily gagging on a couple of his deeper pushes. Fuck Bones and his medical knowledge on the angle to put a head at to get in nice and deep. It wasn’t often that Jim would suck Bones’ cock, Bones liked it too much, so it was better to use it as a carrot to dangle when he needed Bones to do something he wanted and other methods weren’t quite working. Bones knew better than to use Jim’s mouth like he was using Chekov’s.

All of a sudden Bones had pulled out and slapped Chekov again with his cock. It was a punishment, Jim could tell, but what for he wasn’t sure. Chekov had groaned, but he didn’t think it was for that. Bones was leaning over the boy, pulling his head backwards even tighter.

“No touching. Leave that little cock of yours alone. I catch you doing it again, it won’t be my dick that hits you.” Bones was almost hissing out his words from between his teeth.

So that was the way it was going to be played this evening. Jim approved, and the fact that Chekov had gone for his cock so early in the encounter proved that he was a natural cocksucker. That information was filed away for perusal at a later time.

Jim was back to watching Bones’ cock slide in and out, Chekov’s lips now a deeper red from his spit and the friction on the thin skin. Chekov’s hand down by his cock was palm up, and he was trying to keep it away from the temptation of reaching for his cock again. Bones had sneakily let go of his hair and pulled a little on the rope, making it rub between Chekov’s ass cheeks, pulling another groan from him and forcing that hand back close to his cock.

Jim let his gaze wander from the mouth fucking, up Bones’ waist, one hand splayed on his hips as he thrust, to the broad chest, still clothed, in his black undershirt. The shirt showed off his musculature as well as the broad shoulders that were great for holding onto and fucking hard. Bones’ head was slightly tilted back as he focused on the glide of his cock in Chekov’s mouth, thick neck straining and his eyes now closed. It was a glorious sight, Bones taking and dominating such a pretty little thing. Dirty blond really did float his boat, although he hid it well. Jim knew Jocelyn’s real coloring, not the picture she presented to the world, and deep down she was just as dirty as Jim. But she would never have Bones fully like Jim did, even if she had given him a child to carry on the McCoy line.

Bones grunted deep in his throat. An animalistic sound that had Jim watching the scene in front of him intently. Bones was thrusting harder now; long, hard thrusts that Jim could see had Chekov’s eyes watering slightly and with every snap of Bones’ hips he would let a little grunt out. Jim focused on Bones’ black pants which were open, the metal zipper flashing when it would catch the light, then on the flushed and spit shined skin of Bones’ cock.

Without warning, Bones pulled out and Jim gripped tighter onto the agonizer to stop himself from stepping forward and touching that cock himself. Bones had pulled Chekov over onto his stomach, just by pulling on the rope. Jim smiled as he contemplated how that would hurt. Bones didn’t even look in Jim’s direction as he walked back around the bed, grabbed Chekov’s thighs and pulled him up and backwards.

As Bones leaned over to spit onto his hole, he pulled on the rope, making Chekov’s hand rest open alongside his ass. Jim memorized the rope work and the position. The boy had no way of holding his upper body up, it was all resting on his shoulders. He had turned his head to the side, trying to see what was happening. His movement drew another growl from Bones who leaned over to grip the back of Chekov’s neck. He held the rope out of his way as he lined up his cock and started to push in.

Jim couldn’t help it, he laughed in delight as Chekov finally let out a decent whine, Bones’ cock obviously burning on the way in. He didn’t thrust as quickly as Jim might have, but it was still a slide in as quick as he could make it. The spit from his own mouth provided some lubrication on Bones’ cock, and he had only spat twice into Chekov’s hole before he started the push in when Chekov tried to look back.

There was another whine, almost cut off as Bones pulled back on Chekov’s hips to get him closer, ensuring Bones was now balls deep in his ass. Jim resisted hard to not palm his own pulsing cock at the sight in front of him. Pale and dark, slim and solid, gift and receiver. Bones waited a moment as he held himself all the way in. As Jim allowed his gaze to roam up toward Bones’ face again, he found out why Bones had paused. He was waiting for Jim to look at him.

Bones smiled, winked at Jim and then leaned forward again, allowing his hand to wander slowly up Chekov’s body, just by his finger tips. Another groan, which Chekov attempted to cut off, and then Bones was gripping his hair again, turning his head and shoving it into the mattress. He hooked his thumb around the rope and slid his other hand around the boy’s waist. Then he started fucking, and fucking him well.

Jim had never allowed Bones to fuck him from behind. Bones had fought to make sure Jim didn’t either. They always faced each other, neither breaking eye contact with the other. But if this is what it looked like, Bones fucking him from behind, and fuck, the sounds Chekov was making. Muffled, open mouthed groans, like he couldn’t help it. That cock was breaking his willpower. Jim might fight a little dirtier soon and see if he could get Bones to make those sounds in this same way. Nothing was better than knowing the power you had over another. Jim had it over Bones and he knew deep down that Bones had it over him too.

Bones’ hand was back at the boy’s neck, holding him in place. Bones was looking like a menacing black panther as he leaned over Chekov. Jim was slightly ruing that they hadn’t thought to record this. They never recorded anything in this room or Jim’s. Things such as that should not fall into the wrong hands. Both Bones’ and his live’s depended on it. Jim had enough material on others, including evidence of his Communications Officer riding his First Officer with a strap-on. That was one show neither he nor Bones got tired of. Uhura had been shared by them both early on in the mission, with her flashing eyes and promise of defiance, but she had willingly spread to take them both. Jim loved to watch her bring other men to their knees.

“Ah, fuuuck,” Chekov’s exclamation had Jim fully back in the present, still watching Bones.

Bones was watching him. Jim checked to make sure Chekov couldn’t see before he mouthed his orders to Bones.

“Fuck him. Hard.”

“That’s it, boy,” Bones growled out as he pressed Chekov’s head even further into the mattress obeying Jim’s orders. No more long glides and fast snaps in, these were short thrusts, and almost erratic. Bones was pounding away at that little hole, Chekov was crying out at each thrust, muffled into the mattress. At least with each cry Jim knew he wasn’t being suffocated too much.

“Gonna fucking come in that little hole of yours. Tight little fucker aren’t ya? You can come if you want, if you can make it past my knots. I bet ya can’t.” Bones had thrown the challenge down and Jim was sure that Chekov should have learned his lesson to not take him up on it.

Jim watched as Chekov’s fingers dug into his own flesh, gripping his ass hard and causing the flesh to go paler around each finger.

“He’s a smart boy,” Jim couldn’t resist adding. “Not gonna be stupid enough to come and ruin your sheets.”

Bones just grunted, the muscles on his neck flexing as he sped up even more, close to exploding. Jim watched his face, blocking out the almost incessant whine from the boy, just concentrating on the view as Bones watched Jim in return. Bones finally bit his lip and thrust for the final couple of times, marking Chekov from the inside to match the bruises he would have from Bones’ hands on the outside.

Bones straightened up and slowly slid out, still watching Jim all the while, ignoring the heaving mess of the boy whose legs had given out and was now sprawled spread-eagled on the bed. There was a bead of come, one white little droplet just on the tip of Bones’ cock. Jim watched that droplet eagerly, wanting to taste it.

“So, did you like your present?” Jim asked.

“It’s okay,” Bones said, his breathing still heavy. “Might even play with it again sometime.”

Chekov was trying to move and Jim wanted him gone. He’d served his purpose for now. Jim strode over to grab the boy’s head and tilt it in his direction.

“Hear that? You were a good lil present, but now it’s over.” Jim reached over to drag the boy up and off the bed.

Chekov’s eyes were glazed over from the good fucking he had gotten and the pleasure he had given Bones, (and Jim). His thin cock was still hard and Jim smiled as he thought about treating another member of his crew to a gift. As Chekov opened his mouth to speak when they reached the door, Jim shook his head silently to stop him. He put his hand up to start the release procedure for the door, turning Chekov’s head away so he couldn’t see the code Jim was about to put in.

The door opened almost silently and Jim was pleased to see how empty the corridor was. He pushed the boy out, making him stumble as his legs collapsed under him. He made a messy sprawl on the ground as he let out another cry. He had tried to use his hands to help his fall, but forgot that his hands were still all tied up. Jim laughed as he stepped back, picked up Chekov’s clothes, and tossed them out the doorway after him. The boots landed first, thudding onto the ground, while the clothes slowly floated down. That was the last sight Jim had of Chekov, his pale eyes, still glazed over with lust and narrow chest heaving up and down.

Jim walked over to Bones’ computer and communication station.

“Kirk to Sulu,” he said into the comm unit.

“Sulu here, Captain,” the reply came back quickly.

“There is a package outside the Chief Medical Officer’s room that needs collecting. I suggest you get down here right quick before someone else beats you to it.”

“Aye, aye, sir. Sulu out!” Jim could hear the door to Sulu’s room opening as he closed off the connection.

“Nice to see how swiftly my crew responds, eh Bones?” Jim said as he stood up and walked around the partition.

“With the right incentive,” Bones agreed from where he was bent forward and tugging off his boots.

Jim could see his now flaccid cock, still at a goodly size, hanging out from his pants. The little drop was gone, but now it was time for Bones to thank him for the present.

A few more steps and Jim opened the bedside drawer and pulled out the lube that was always stored there. The motion had gotten Bones’ attention. His dark eyes were watching Jim carefully.

Jim just smiled at him as he walked around the bed, grabbed Bones by the back of the neck and pulled him into a kiss, teeth clacking as Bones let out a groan, one that he had been holding back while fucking the boy. Then there was a hiss as Jim got his hand on Bones’ dick, twisting slightly at the end after any left over residue. A little bit was there, so Jim rubbed it back down over his shaft. He twisted Bones around, back to the bed and pushed him backwards, while he got his hands in Bones’ pants and pulled them down and mostly off as Bones fell. Bones just lifted up his legs to help Jim pull them off all the way, socks as well.

Bones scooted back on the bed while Jim pulled his own pants down, letting his cock spring free at last from where it had impatiently been waiting this past hour. Bones pulled his undershirt off, knowing how Jim liked to mark when he was in this kind of mood. As Jim climbed onto the bed to grab the lube again, Bones beat him to it. A quick squirt and already Bones had two fingers up his ass, then three, before pulling them out. Jim raised an eyebrow at that short prep.

“Fuck me, Jim,” Bones ordered.

“With pleasure,” Jim replied as he pulled his own top off, throwing it behind him as he clambered into position. “No fucking silence this time. I want to hear it all. You’re no silent boy,” Jim said as he lined up his cock. Bones had his hands around his thighs, tilting up his hips and offering that gorgeous little puckering hole for Jim to use.

“Jim,” Bones growled out as Jim rubbed his head around the hole.

Jim paused, looking down at his man. His possession. Others might think they had a claim, but Jim knew better. He had been curious about him from first sight and Jim was sure Bones had the same feelings of possession.

“Are you going to lie back and think of the Empire?” Jim asked.

“Fuck no,” Bones snarled out this time. His cock might be a little flaccid but still it was clear that Bones wanted him.

Jim smiled as Bones wrapped his legs around his waist, his hands grabbing onto Jim’s ass and pulling him forward with all his weight. Jim had kept his cock lined up in the perfect spot, knowing that Bones would do this. They both cried out as Jim slid home.

fandom: aos, fic/art warning: dub/non con, fan: fanfiction, fandom: mirrorverse, rating: nc-17, fic/art warning: bdsm, !gift exchange 2011

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