Nu!Trek BB's~

Oct 30, 2011 18:19

Okay, so I have no idea if this twist has been introduced, specifically, but I could totally roll with this concept:
TOS versions of Kirk, McCoy, and Spock, after some crazy space shit, end up with Baby versions of their Reboot!Counterparts.

Also, if this spawns ficlets, I claim guilty. ;D

Rating: G. Like so sweet, it might cause cavities, sweet.
Pairings: Uh. None intended, but see how you see fit. :D
Characters: TOS! Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, and BB!Reboot! Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. Hope that made a little sense. Art will clarify.
Disclaimer: I really, honestly, don't own anything star trek, or stories and characters related to them what so ever.

Hahaha Hope you enjoy them X3

First the TOS boys and their.. Boys? lol

Then the following is. Well, Self explained. shhh ;3 They're sleepin~

I made the TOS boys a little younger lookin' Just the first pic was just to show that yes, those are the TOS boys. Though I guess eye color gave it away too.
(And you totally know that Chapel, Rand, and Uhura took those 3 pics XD)

And I already know that I've posted a few halloween greeting things. You get one more. X3

X3 Thanks guys! I'll go now :P


fan: art, character: jim kirk, rating: g, character: leonard mccoy, fandom: tos

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