Title: The Curse of Two Princes (1/2)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy eventually, Kirk/OFC, Kirk/Carol, McCoy/Uhura, Uhura/Spock... and some others
Summary: Jim and Bones discover that curses are real.
Warnings: Elements of fairytales (cliché, language), somewhat of an experimental form, infidelity, odd imagery?
Notes: This was supposed to be written for prompt 5 of
st_respect… last year, but I only had 3 days because of my vacation and didn’t get it done in time! Many thanks to
thalialunacy who initially cheerleaded me like WHOA and encouraged me to finish it. And a great thanks to
secretsolitaire who managed to convince me that one tense per sentence was really enough. All mistakes are mine alone.
Critique is welcome.
Two Princes