TOS character bios

Nov 15, 2010 23:03

I received a nice little package today from amazon with three books in it. One of them was "Stark Trek 365" by Paula M Block with Terry J Eromann. What I found in flicking through it was that it included character bios from the "Star Trek Writers Guide", third revision, dated April 17 1967.

They appear very interesting to consider what the shows writers were given as 'canon' about our beloved crew but also interesting is to consider what will be the impact these characterisations will have on our Reboot incarnations. Will they get to be these characters in the long run? Some are probably closer to them already than others. What I found most fascinating, though, were the entries for Kirk, Spock and McCoy.

Bios this way

fan: meta/discussion, fandom: tos

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