Art Requests Completed 2/?

Aug 14, 2010 20:23

Posting these 5 at a time :)

Rating: G
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/McCoy/Chapel, McCoy/Spock
Disclaimer: Never owned, never will :)

Here's Batch Two!!! Hope you like em :)

The Fanfic can be found here! B-E-A-N-I-E by canis_takahari

Originally, I was going to have kirk kissing Chapel's hand, but this was more hilarious X3

MIRROR MIRROR! First time ever (for me) Chibi Mirror Versions of Kirk and McCoy :) Though I think McCoy is grumpy in both universe's, so I gave him a scar for effect :P

NASCAR! (never hire me to design racing suit's. EVER.) I think a long time ago someone wrote a racing fic, but if someone feels inclined to write another NASCAR fic, You would recieve cookies 8D

Spock and hand holding do not mix, but he doesn't mind...i think.

Comments are LUV! Use for whatever, just credit please :)


fandom: aos, fan: art, fandom: au, rating: g, fandom: tos

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