Title: The Sunshine of My Love
sororexitium Pairing/Characters: Kirk/McCoy, Joanna Kirk (McCoy).
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: past!mPreg...mainly because I'm not brave enough to go into all the details and the actual stuffness of writing and mPreg. I'm uber lazy. Probably a bit of OOC.
nenya24 , my beta didn't think so...but I can't help but worry. Also, total AU-edness.
Disclaimer: I'm just floating through someone else's dream (and prompt). I make no profit from this.Summary: Jim and Bones met three years before life flung them together at the Academy, in New Orleans. Natural attraction struck, and now Jim is the proud father of Joanna Kirk, his two year old daughter. He never expected to see Bones again, but when a surly southern doctor stumbles onto the same shuttle as him...well, at least his life is spicing up again.
Notes: This is a response to a prompt given to me by
jayd_schuy Uh, beta'd by the lovely
nenya24 as per normal.
amine_eyes is in the process of relocating herself. I will probably repost this later, but nenya did a lovely job to the knowledge of my eye (not much ha!) so...yea.
Come read with me...