George looked up at the pilot console. He knew he shouldn’t be here…but Mom was here and he’d finished all his lessons. It wasn’t any fun hanging out alone, and he’d already been all through the cargo hold, even the secret spots that he’d been shown.
“You know you’re not supposed to be here.” Hands picked him up into the Pilots seat. “This is the working area.” He leaned forward, looking at the controls. Noticing distantly his hands seemed smaller than they should, the hands danced over the controls, not touching, not yet. He looked up to see his mom. So confident so beautiful. “If you’re going to be up here, you have to prove your worth.”
He piloted them, his mother’s hands over his, towards their destination.
“Hello Clarice,” Nero’s face appeared on the screen.
“You’re the Captain now.” Mom said, pushing him off her lap and into a Captains chair.
“He’s perfect,” Winnie’s voice drifted over the comm.
“That’s terrible, let’s name him after your dad. Let’s call him Jim,” George said listening to him cry.
“Don’t cry, Jimmy,” George said, watching the big black ship coming closer, and closer by the second.
“George! NOOOOOOOOOOO!” Winnie said, adding her screams to little Jim’s as the Kelvin hit the Narada. Pain, burning fire, shattered glass transparent steel into him, can’t breathe can’t breathe, back breaking.
George jerked upright in bed, screaming, still caught in his nightmare.