Last year at this time, I was in such a bad place mentally with RP. I was playing a game that had become the worst kind of un-fun that you can imagine, getting yelled at for not wanting my characters to go OOC, and for not playing plots that squicked me out personally. I was spending more time invisible than visible in IM, and just about was at the end of my rope with RP as a whole.
I was wandering around the kink meme aimlessly, and saw folks RPing. I think it was
dctr_mccoy and
just_uhura that I read first, and I thought 'hey, that looks like fun'. Wait, RP can be fun? So many characters were already taken, so I decided to try out George Kirk, coming up with the beginnings of him, and tossing him out to see what happened. I figured it couldn't be any worse than the hell that I was dealing with at my old games.
Instead of hell, I found heaven. I found people who were awesome, who kept wank down to a minimum. who were mature enough to just say 'well if I don't like you I won't RP with you', instead of trying to force us to get along. I have grown, and found people I truly like who don't start wank to start wank. I love this game and you guys.
All of this is just to say thanks. Thanks for playing with me, for putting up with me, for RPing with my characters and for reminding me that RP can be fun, and not a torturous chore. Thank you for being awesome. It has been an honor to play with you and I hope to continue for much more time.