May 16, 2010 18:40
Uggghhhh, life.
My Dad's been an Uber Jerk lately. Not only did he blow up at my sister a few days ago and called her a "useless whining brat who throws a bitch fit every time she doesn't get her way," he's also being a dick about our dogs being missing. When HE is the one responsible. We had a bonfire last night and he let Uno and Brutis off of their cables (which is fucking stupid) and was then SURPRISED when both of them took off and didn't come home. Bru returned this morning, but we still haven't seen or heard anything from Uno. And Dad says, "Well I don't even care if he comes back, he wasn't going to make a good hunting dog anyway." He doesn't even fucking HUNT anymore because he's always too sore and fucking grumpy! I just hope nothing happened to little Uno. I feel really bad too, because yesterday we were trying to convince Mom to look at some German Shorthair puppies (our Hans died last fall), and she didn't want to, and I called our dogs "Stupid" and said I didn't like them. :/
SO. Yesterday Mom was supposed to take me to Houghton Lake to go shopping for a new swimsuit to take with me to Tennessee in two weeks. Instead, she and Dad decided they were going to go to Pinconning and shop at this crappy little warehouse place. For those of you that DON'T kknow, Pinconning is this shitty little middle-of-fucking-nowhere shit piece of town. We went to the warehouse and split up, Jordan and Manda went one way, Heather and Rowdy went another and I hung out with Mom and Dad until Dad decided it was time to be a fucking asshole. I did find some nice deals on shampoo/conditioner/bodywash/facewash to take with me, and when we got home Heather let me have her face moisturizer. So I just need razors and shavegel and a swimsuit and a haircut before I go. In two weeks.
After I put that stuff I'd found in the cart, Dad goes, "Well what's all THAT for?" I tried explaining to him that it was to take with me, and he says something assholish like, "Why do you need to take showers when you never fucking do anything?" Then I followed around Manda and Jordan until we had to go. And then we went to the shitty turkey place in Pinconning, where the entire menu is... You guessed it! TURKEY. Which was NOT what I wanted for lunch, but I didn't get a say. So I got a club sammich and then Dad got all pissy when I took the stupid middle piece of bread out of it. He was all, "You could have just gotten a turkey sandwich! Jesus, why do you have to pick it apart!" I didn't want a fucking turkey sandwitch, Dad. Or I'd have GOTTEN a turkey sandwitch.
So we went home, and when we got there I asked Mom about going swimsuit shopping. She said "Maybe Monday" and so i'm hoping tomorrow we'll get to. She got all pissy at me too when I told her I wasn't too keen on having FRANKY drive me to the airport on the 30th, and was all, "FINE I'll take you." But Jesus Christ. Franky breaks cars all the time! And then has to have Dad save his ass. And since my mom is INSANELY superstitious about having Dad take me, she's decided to take the day off or some shit. Fuck their stupid anniversery "curse." Nothing has happened in like eight years and she still won't let him drive ANYWHERE or DO ANYTHING on that day.
...I'm moody and grumpy. Manda keeps asking me if I'm "excited yet" about going, but I'm really not.
Since I still have to deal with two weeks of hell before I get to leave.