Jan 18, 2010 01:12
Day 14 without Nik.
My Internet has been spotty and fucking ridiculous. As in, it will come on for a few hours for the day, take a shit and die, and then not come back on until after Midnight, at which time I am usually so irritable and tired that I do not feel like using it. It's not helping with the whole missing Nik thing, and I have no one to talk to when the Internet is dead like this. I'm home alone like 80% of the time, and it's driving me INSANE.
I am depressed as fuck.
My laptop charger died again, my brother will attempt to fix it for me tomorrow. If he doesn't, or can't, I'm shitoutta luck until I can order a new one. Not that I really need a laptop when the Internet doesn't work, but...
I just feel so stressed and grumpy. And as I'm typing this the Internet died again. This is so far from fucking funny.
Just, somebody make it be March already. Holy fuck.