Aug 20, 2008 15:46

Some people have been asking me questions, despite the answers being online in various places. I guess going to the director seems to be the most direct way to get info. I apologize if this is old news for some.

Q: When is Ouran being released?
A: Tuesday, October 28th

Q: How many episodes?
A: 13, the first half of the show.

Q: Are there extras?
A: Yes. 3 commentaries, outtakes, and a mini-2009 calendar

Q: Where can I buy it?
A: Anywhere like Best Buy, Fry's, FYE. Not sure about places like Wal*Mart or Target. FUNimation will have it for sale at their booth at conventions. It is also available online through The Right Stuf.

Q: How much will it cost?
A: Suggested Retail Price is $59.98. Stores could sell it for less, or more, depending. That may seem like a lot, but remember, it's 13 episodes, plus extras. If it were to be sold "the old way", $60 would only get you 8 episodes. Plus, the release is still 2 months away, so you've got time to save your pennies :-)

Q: Where/When can I see the trailer?
A: The trailer should be up on the Ouran website soon. I couldn't say how soon- a couple of days, a couple of weeks? It depends on how long it takes to get approval. It should start showing up on FUNi DVDs too, as well as playing at the booth at cons.


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