[Though that's not really what my name means....]
Anyway, didn't even notice this before I went onto Formspring today, so glad I did. o.O
Bigger Image. Not quite exactly in the right style, but I got pretty close to the style of the anime. xD Yay ~
Well, that's something. :)
Though I see so many mistakes. OTL
Anyway, I will be replying to comments, reading entries and so on as soon as I can, so don't think I'm neglecting you. I just need to do my assignment first. OTL
A tiny tiny clip of one of my user interface designs.
Something you might be interested in,
mssekishi ? xD
It was in the mX newspaper on Wednesday. I remember that short discussion we had about Singlish once. :)
Click to enlarge And I've been meaning to post some drabbles I wrote on Sunday night/Monday morning, but as you can see... I haven't had the chance to even open them to look over them again. :| *sigh*
ETA: Also, I was alive at 12:34 and 56.7 seconds on 8/9/10 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10). :D /pulled off FB