Physics test:
I haven't revised, I don't know a thing about magnetism and electricity, I get mixed up between current and voltage and series, parallel, etc. I can't get anything into my head.
Maths test: Mental maths-oh god I'm so slow at using my brain. It takes me like 30seconds to figure out 35-29. And, other things like frequency graphs, etc. I have no clue.
Other Physics test: same as above.
R.S presentation: I am worried about the teacher saying "louder" in the middle of one of my sentences and then I get discouraged and go all watery-eyed and then I go all red and then get into a bad mood for the rest of the day.
Music: We haven't done anything, let me stress, ANYTHING, and we've meant to have done it by now.
Physics: why the hell should i care? It's a flipping test-not some death match! I mean, ooh I get 20/100 in the test...apart from the shame of showing my mark to others (which i dont have to do) there's nothing else to worry about.
Maths: Oh yeah, and so what if I get a low mark? OOH I GET NO JOB omg I'm gonna fail at life if I get low on a mahs test!
Music: I'm sure I can fit it in at the day before, i usually do!
R.S: why do i care, once again? If you think about how huge and incomprehensible the universe is, then my problems seem like really insignificant thoughts...say, if the earth was going to smash into another planet and we'd all die? Yeah i don't think i'd care about r.s then. and anyway, i can always go into the mode "how do i know anything exists? the only way we can "tell" we exist and everything is real is by our senses, and how do you know THEY'RE not unreal?" Yeah, exactly.
Well, it's late so gotta go. I hope I made mywself feel better, I want to go and read Awakening to the Dream now HEHE