New Job: Day One

Sep 23, 2007 19:12

Ok, so today I started at the older of the mall spas. I didn't actually do any massages, but I still feel great, because I feel like I got to help out! (Not to mention, I still get paid even if I don't do any massages.) I did reminder-calls, and I got drinks for customers, and various other usefull things. Tomorrow I'm going to bring in my chair, so I'll get to do a bit of marketing, and probably get a few more massages in. It'll take a bit to get more bookings, but I'll get there. *^_^* Come wintertime....that'll be good for massage! I like it there already! My co-workers talk to me, and I get to chat with's nice! Not boring like slow times at the other place. Lots of product for me to learn, too. I'll get to that. Right now, I generally say Hi to guests and then get someone to help me help them. *^_^*
Things are looking up around here. WAAAAAY up! *^_^*
There are, however, still a few things I need to get....But I shall do that in due time! *^_^*
Hope everyone is having fun!
Come see me sometime, if you're in the mall on one of my workdays! Or better yet, make an appointment to come in for a massage! *^_^* I'm VERRY good! *^_^*
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