Anime Wednesday Last Month

Nov 13, 2007 14:05

Haven't done this in a while, have some more short reactions to recent COUP viewing.

Dennou Coil, Ep 1-3
This was cool, I wanna watch more of it. In a near-future setting, kids (with rather Ghibli-esque character designs) all wear VR glasses that allow them to interact with virtual objects as they go about their day. Virtual pets and such are common. A few of them run a detective agency that tracks down missing data, has run-ins with bugs, virii, and hackers, etc. A crazy old grandma supplies them with 1337 h4XX0r goods. A bit laid-back, but fun. Maybe we can work it onto the summer schedule or something

Ookiku Furikabutte, Ep 4-7
We're pretty sure this is actually supposed to be an earnest, straight-up ode to high school baseball. But when the whole focus of the show is on the special relationship between the (incredibly insecure) pitcher and his catcher, it's pretty much impossible to get through it with a straight face.

Towards the Terra, Ep 1-3
This was a movie a long time ago, and before that a late-70's shoujou SF manga. It's interesting how just a little tweaking can make the totally old-school character designs all new and shiny. In 24-episode series format it kind of drags, though.

Sergeant Frog the Movie
Basically an hour of straightforward movie plot designed to make fans of the long-running TV series happy by showcasing almost every character for at least 3 minutes. It wasn't bad, but you'd get more out of it if you've been watching the series. Also, Sgt. Frog is the world's biggest shill for Gundam merchandise, but hey, Gundam merchandise is kind of nifty.

Darker Than Black, Ep 6-9
More of the same 2-shot story arcs, though with tantalizing tidbits of back-story thrown in from time to time. Still interesting.

Gurren Lagann,
Ep 6: Uhhh.. ok, the silver lining here is that we got the hot-springs episode and the re-cap episode both out of the way at the same time. I guess.
Ep 7-9: Gainax shows that they really are sticking to the old-school giant robot show feeling by veering wildly between goofy action and melodramatic emotion. If you can get into the show's groove, I think it works, but it's pretty jarring if you're not expecting it.

Nodame Cantabile, Ep 6-9
I have no idea what else to say about this show, but it's still fun.

anime, coup

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