Damn good times

Feb 16, 2012 16:26

Whoa, another LJ post. Amazing. Went out to see JoCo + TMBG at the Lincoln Theater in Raleigh and it was a fantastic show as always. Ran into a few friends, had good times, adrenaline kept my energy up despite still being slightly sick.

Jonathan Coulton had his new bassist and drummer in tow for the bigger sound of his new album, which he did a few songs from as well as a few oldies, including Mandelbrot Set which I love, even with the sad gap in the lyrics that were made inaccurate by his recent passing.

TMBG played a great mix of old and new as usual. Looked up the setlist to jog my memory for comments...

Setlist: (possibly slightly out of order) (courtesy This Might Be A Wiki tmbw.net)
* When Will You Die - one of my faves off the new album "Join Us", yay
* Celebration - and another one! it references Banksy, Anonynous, and Hieronymus Bosch.
* Birdhouse In Your Soul - yeah, they're tired of playing this, but it gets the audience moving, what can you do.
* Judy Is Your Viet Nam - I wonder if Flans has a story behind this one...
* Damn Good Times - one of my favorites off of The Spine, this is going well
* Never Knew Love - new one from Linnell
* The Guitar - always awesome, this time with a great bass solo from Danny
* Battle For The Planet Of The Apes - the requisite audience participation piece
* Old Pine Box - Join Us again
* Cowtown - They decided to throw in extra songs from Lincoln for the Lincoln Theater, a plan to which I did not object at all! Love me some Lincoln.
* Snowball In Hell - The dialogue bit in the middle was done by The Avatars of They and stretched out into complete ridiculousness, it was great
* Mr. Me - still continuing with Lincoln...
* Ana Ng - yesss, another favorite of mine, and they really crank it up live
* S-E-X-X-Y - fun song from Factory Showroom
* Careful What You Pack - this was a song cut from the Coraline movie
* Spoiler Alert - from Join Us, done to great effect by The Avatars
* Cloisonné - fun new Flans song, featuring what I have to say was the greatest blistering bass clarinet solo (from Linnell) I have ever heard (or heard of)
* We Live In A Dump - from the podcast rarities album
* Withered Hope - nice rocking track from The Else
* James K Polk - a classic, though I wonder how many new fans are confused into thinking the standard TMBG cutout head featured on the monitors was Polk. (it's William Allen White)
* The Mesopotamians - another fun live tune from The Else
* Fingertips - always fantastic live

Encore 1:
* How Can I Sing Like A Girl? - They played this oldschool-style, with just two John voices and Linnell's accordion. There's a nostalgic sound I haven't heard in a while.
* Can't Keep Johnny Down - headline single from Join Us, pretty fun

Encore 2:
* Where Your Eyes Don't Go - another Lincoln favorite! (I have a lot of Lincoln favorites)
* Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - rocked it to 11

So yeah. TMBG: always worth seeing.

concert, music

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