I am so far behind on LJ posting it's not even funny. I should really do a big catch-up post. This.... is not that post.
This is another GameSpite Quarterly shill that I wanted to get out to anyone who hasn't seen in on the twitters, because there's not only a new volume out but also a coupon for free shipping (which is pretty significant on Blurb) that expires *today*. So yeah. GSQ7 is the Encyclopedia of 8-bit villains, so if you liked the Heroes issue, this is one to grab. These encyclopedia volumes are a bit less... technically informative than our other efforts, but they're a lot of fun. In this issue I've got short pieces on Space Invaders, Malboros, the Black Knight (from Dark Castle), and the Random Number Generator (a true villain if I ever saw one). All the pertinent info, along with the coupon code, can be found here:
http://www.gamespite.net/verbalspew2/2011/01/30/gamespite-quarterly-7-exists-beckons-commerce/ As usual, this will all go up online for free eventually; when it does it'll be link from the issue's
table of contents here.