Concerts! For some reason they're all happening RIGHT NOW.
Last night I went with COUP folks to see the Aquabats at the Cat's Cradle. It was fun!
The first opening act was a crazy duo called Koo Koo Kangaroo. The best way to describe them is probably as a children's television show channeled through white-boy hip-hop. It kind of hurt my brain. Still, by the end of the set they had us all enthusiastically doing a variant of the hokey pokey, so they must've been doing something right. I'm sure the giant wavy parachute straight out of grade-school P.E. helped. Also, there's now pictures of us up on there facebook, both
with and
without crazy band member included.
Next up was
The Action Design, who I don't really know how to describe (one of their pages says "Alternative / Pop-Punk / Dance Rock"; good enough), but I kind of dug them even though the sound mix wasn't very good so we couldn't make out a lick of lyrics. Though about buying some merch but the table line was long when I got to it. But hey, they're on iTunes, maybe I'll get something later.
Finally, The Aquabats. I didn't know much about these guys going in, but they're basically cartoon super-hero rock. I can dig it. The show was lots of fun; at one point they fought giant (cardboard) enemy crabs on stage - how can you go wrong with that? They also had a screen behind them continuously playing ridiculouus 80s TV clips. So yeah, thumbs-up.
Meanwhile, other shows coming up:
Protomen (megaman rock opera!) are coming to the Nightlight in Chapel Hill on Friday, but I'm probably gonna wimp out of this one because the set (of them and two other bands) doesn't start 'til 10pm. Plus, I'm still thinking of catching Iron Man 2 that evening.
OK Go is at the Lincoln Theater next Tuesday, I know
anacoluthon is going. Tempting, but I don't really know their music other than the awesome videos, and I'm not sure how many times I want to drive to Raleigh in one week, because...
Jonathan Coulton, also at the Lincoln Theater, on Friday the 14th is even more tempting. Haven't bought tickets yet, but I'm likely to go. Would be happy to have company, let me know if anyone's interested.