Razzin' frazzin' color meme

Apr 02, 2010 14:49

So the meme goes like this: You're given a color (comment to get one of your own). You list ten things you love of that color. Simple, right?

Because marphod is a terrible human being, he gave me teal. Teal. I'm having a hard time thinking of ten distinct things that are teal, much less ten that I *like*.

But I shall try.

1. Some shallow tropical lagoons. (This is actually the *only* thing that came to mind immediately.)
2. The shirt I wore when volunteering at the St.Louis Science Center as a high-schooler; I don't particularly love the shirt, but the job was cool.
3. uhhhhh...
4. This Jeep is teal. I guess that's kind of cool.
5. Actually this teal car looks cooler.
6. I could potentially get behind teal hair, though I could definitely do without the fake eyebrows, oversize sunglasses, and too much makeup.
7. This wasn't supposed to be an image look-up meme, but I got nothin'.
8. Seriously, dude, the phrase "things that are teal" only get 5 hits in Google. 5. One of them is a twitter stream.
9. The original circa-1987 palette of web colors. It's in there. I like the web. Close enough.
10. These ducks are actually pretty damn awesome.

Hate marphod so much. Anyway, if you comment here, I'll do my best to give you a color marginally less horrendous than teal.

dumbness, meme

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