So, I was waffling about whether to think about seeing any of the "kind of close, but not really" upcoming TMBG tour stops in March, because it's a bunch of driving for a band I just saw last fall, and I dunno how different the show will be, even though I do love me some Giants. But now apparently Jonathan Coulton is opening for them, and I've never had a chance to see him live. So these shows are sounding kind of awesome. Here are the options, with ticketing links:
Asheville NC Tues. Mar. 9 Orange Peel NC Wed. Mar. 10 Visulite Theater VA Thurs. Mar. 11 The National (Flood show)
So, decisions. Asheville is a cool place and the Orange Peel is a nice club (went to a Giants concert there a few years ago), but it's at least an hour farther than the other two. I know nothing about the Charlotte venue, but it's closest, though Charlotte traffic can suck. Richmond is a Flood show and I'm not sure whether that's a plus or minus - Flood is an excellent album, but I've heard most of the songs on it a whole whole lot of times.
And of course all of these are mid-week, which is a pain in the ass. Would be getting back hella late unless I can crash with local friends. All three shows cost within rounding distance of $20, and open doors at 8pm.
Anybody else interested and have an opinion? This could be more pleasant with a car-pool.