Go Go 80s SF cliches

Jul 10, 2008 16:45

Last night I had the most cliche 80s sci-fi anime dream evar. This was written out really quick and so may not be terribly grammatical, but here we go:

So I'm a scientist at some institute with a bunch of projects going on. One involves android girls. Another involves genetically engineered girls called "Mermaids", though really they're just super-powered, no flippers or anything. Late one night in an empty lab, a Mermaid goes berserk, terrifies an android or two, and escapes (perhaps with a 2nd mermaid and an android). Meanwhile, I'm heading up some funky multi-way escalators to a restaurant on the top floor of the same building (maybe 20 stories up), which has a panoramic view of the city.

Some time later, at the restaurant, someone spots a path of destruction being plowed through the city. It's the escaped mermaid; she's manifesting some kind of aura that gives her sparkly wings, lets her hover a few feet off the ground, and makes some kind of bow that basically shoots magic missiles. She's tearin' shit up good, and making a bee-line back for the building we're in (wait, she turned to the side... no, no, she's coming for us again). People quite sensibly panic. Running down flights of stairs (power if mostly cut off), building shaking as it's hit with shots from the bow. Going to the lobby or outside seems like a Bad Idea as the pissed-off mermaid is about here, but I know that one particular emergency stairway continues straight down into a subway station.

This plan works for the moment; station has lights and shops (including a naked sushi restaurant??); a few other people have also fled this way. Staying put seems no good as the building above might collapse from damage, so I and some others head off down a corridor leading to another station.

That's about where I wake up. I have some other notions of backstory like how some scientists treated the experimental subjects badly, which is probably why one went berserk, and how the androids might help us contain the mermaid, but I think I was filling these in to help the 'plot' as I awoke.


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