I will have a much longer post, soon, but for now I just wanted to share
this with you. Mortari has apparently compiled a list of the 50(ish) hottest guys in fandom, and it's a very interesting one. Rather than pick the men who were most objectively cardboard cut-out cute, she chose the 50 men she found most appealing - which is, I think, a very different question. Attitude and tone of voice and acting skill and the nature of the characters they play(ed) seemed to be every bit as important to Mortari as how they filled out a tight pair of jeans. Which, yes, jeans important, personality moreso. The result was a list that I found myself nodding at rather frequently and gaping at even more often.
The Davids (Hewlett and Tennant) win for hottest personalities without the archetypical pretty going on - what horrible pictures of both of them! - they both often look far hotter in terms of looks alone. (Luckily, there is a better picture of the Hewlett if you scroll down.) Shanks is what I guess you'd have to call 'not my type'... yet there are moments watching SG-1 when I've found him incredibly attractive, mostly just after he came back from the dead. Guess I was really happy to see him. ;)
Kavan Smith? Is my new favorite person. Guess they polished him up and shined him pretty for SGA, because where did the bad boy go? Weird. Jason Momoa, and Joe Flannigan are both incredibly hot on the show, although this is not Joe's best pic. I think I find 'John Sheppard' more attractive than Joe himself, if that makes sense; the unshaven-surfer-dude-homeless-guy look is not to the good. Clean-shaven military man? Yes, please.
Zachary Quinto's character from Heroes is too OMGSCARY for me to think of in any realm approaching attractiveness. I just want to hide when I see his picture. Milo Ventimiglia, who plays Peter on the other hand... whoa. And Ramamurthy is almost supernaturally attractive - sometimes when watching Heroes, I'd think to myself, that man cannot be REAL.
Elijah Wood looks like an elf or sprite of some sort, and that is NOT LoTR-influence talking. He's just... otherworldly and cool and yet not attractive in that way. David Wenham from LoTR - what a sly expression! Mmm.
Good for Mortari for including men like Richard Dean Anderson (and NOT in his 'MacGuyver' days), Anthony Stewart Head, and Patrick Stewart (and for later including Rickman). All four of them have a sophisticated edge that goes along with what in Hollywood constitutes an 'advanced' age - and they are all the hotter for it.
I was shocked and amazed at how well James Marsters and David Boreanaz look, because although I liked Buffy, I haven't been watching Torchwood (yet - just started) or Bones. Seeing them - and Head, and Stewart, come to think of it - is like seeing a picture of someone from childhood. It makes me glad they're doing well.
Radcliffe? Just - just scary. (Oh, Harry - what has become of you? Actually, the same thing as in the books, apparently...)
Now you've seen my appreciative babble, go look and make some appreciative babble of your own...
P.S. - It occurs to me some of my students read this blog. *double checks* Nope! I sound just like my eighth-graders, so I think we're safe. ;)