Written quickly and is unspellchecked, because I'm not on my computer and the only writing program I found was notepad. There is another program here, I just don't feel like poking around Dad's computer.
1) Pic any one character from any of your favorite fandoms. (Books, TV, Movies, Comics, Manga, Cartoons, Anime, Video Games, Internet)
2) Then answer the questions below as if you where that character.
1) If you could, in retrospect, change one thing about your childhood, what would it be and why?
Something I could actually affect? I would have listened to Ratchet when I first met him and taken his offer, instead of sneaking out the back.
2) If you were to be stranded forever on a desert island and could have only one book to read, which would you want and why?
The 'Logical' Guide to Life. A predictable answer for me, and with a boring enough title that no one else will read it and find out what it's really about.
3) If you could have personally witnessed one event in your world’s history, what would you have seen and why?
The one event that cemented Megatron's decision to form the Decepticons. I have a feeling the reports of the event aren't actually accurate.
4) If you had to choose the color that describes you most accurately, which color would it be and why?
Red. As for why... well, where would the fun be in given you all the answers?
5) If you had to name the most terrifying moment of your life so far, what would it be and why?
I only remember flashes, because I was so young, but it would have to be my creators' reactions when they learned I have a glitch. I suppose the incident that caused the glitch was much more terrifying, but I can't remember it.
6) If you had to choose the single most valuable thing you ever learned, what would it be and why?
That almost nothing is too risky or illegal if it means you will survive one more day on Kaon's streets.
7) If you could “uninvent” one thing in your world’s history so that it would no longer exist, what would it be and why?
Battle computers. The thing fragging hurts and I didn't want it in the first place.
8) If you could “unknow” one thing you know, what would it be and why?
How easy it is for a youngling to take down a mech three times their size. I'm sure you can guess why.
9) If you had to name your single worst fear, what would it be and why?
That my friends learn what my past was really like. As far as they know, I was a middle class Praxian who was enrolled in the Enforcers Academy when Praxus was destroyed. If they knew I grew up on the streets of Kaon and had never had even a single day of formal schooling...
10) If you could have prevented one event in your world’s history, what event would you eliminate and why?
The destruction of Praxus. I may not remember living there, but a safe life in Praxus was a goal I long worked towards.