Here's part of a fic I'm working on, that despite attempts has decided to be a prompt type fic. May be the start of a series.
Tell me what you think.
Being thought of as one of the stupidest Decepticons on Earth got to Skywarp sometimes. What had once been a fun game - or a sound tactical decision when he was in the mood to remember why he once thought the ruse necessary - had now become his prison. His suggestions were ignored, he was talked down to, and was given the simplest of tasks. And whenever he tried to relieve the boredom that resulted from work far too easy for him, he was treated like a sparkling throwing a tantrum. Which lead to pranks because if he was going to be treated like a sparkling, he might as well act like one.
Sometimes, though, his situation got to be too much and he felt like he was suffocating in the cage he had found himself in. When that happened, Skywarp felt the need to escape. Escape from his trinemates, the Decepticons, Earth, this whole slagging war. So he'd leave for a day, a month, a week, hour, minutes. How long didn't matter; time had no real meaning.
He'd rest there, in the black nothingness of Between, and for a short while he was himself.
I won't be able to answer comments until next weekend (still no internet at home), possibly Thursday, so please don't think I'm ignoring you. I can read comments on my phone, I just can't reply to them.