(Continuation from part 1)
Wait for the reply of your mail until you see this message:
This message gives you a URL for you to start voting.
You aren't able to reply anything to this E-mail address (and obviously it is named noreply@je-cp.com LOLOLOL)
After you click the URL, you will see this BUT you need to click another button to start voting FOR REAL!!! (Whoooo too many clicks before starting ugggh!)
And this is it!!!
You will now finally start voting!
But you will see something you didn't understand but this will give you guide on how you will choose (I didn't get it so maybe this will give you the sign for choosing)
- Prefecture
- Age (?) - I still don't get it but maybe it tells you if you are on what generation (ex.: if you're 20, you'll choose the 20 something)
- Songs (that's the main part you will choose)
REMEMBER: you will only vote ONCE unless you have several E-mail addresses and this voting session will be until May 5 (23:59) only.
Before you finalize your vote [after you click the below button (photo above)] you will see the confirmation of your vote on this photo below
You will see two buttons there.
If you want to correct or change something, you can click the upper button.
If you're already done and you've already finalized your vote, click the lower button to submit it.
You're now done!
You will now just receive an appreciation on the next link and on another e-mail message.
If you understand this, I think you're already happy on that time and because you've done it!!
I have another experience to share this to you or it's like a tip/hint or something LOL
*You can vote many times if you only have several E-mail address. In all of these photos, this was recently my 2nd time to vote and I only have 2 more chance to vote, but I will do it on May.
*If you're not living in Japan, and you don't know what to choose on prefectures, just choose anything on that part (Just think abut your favorite prefectures (Tokyo, Osaka, etc.))
Finally this is it! Hope you appreciate my "short blog" before I finish listening to Recomen 30 minutes to go and haven't read updates about Recomen on Twitter so...OOKINI!!!