Jan 23, 2006 17:34
Okay, peoples. I've finally posted pics on cosplay.com. hehe i hope i get at least a fifth of the comments dianabunny does! hehe i'll go earn 'em tho
today is happy daycuz even though i haven't showered and i reek to high heaven, i think we've got the rooming crisis sorted out. i hope so.
zomg, mommy's letting me bring up the seeeewing machine! *score!* i am sooo gonna beg diana for lessons and sew me a costuuuume!!! ^_^
there must besomethign in justin's cologne that makes me high.
...or chapstick. definitely chapstick.
www.kingdomofloathing.com officially owns my soul. I neeeeeed tobeat that Naughty Sorceress!