Tagged by the awesomeness that is
iscarius <3. Name ten of life's simple pleasures that you like most, then tag five people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not to use things that someone else has already used.
1) Reading a novel for pleasure (rather than school).
2) Peaches, cooked most ways. (No, I will not just eat a peach, I'm weird like that. They're not good til they're cooked.)
3) Sewing, for myself or others.
4) Being able to sit around and chat with people on MSN, about whatever.
5) Playing flute.
6) Baking. Preferably something complicated. XD
7) Watching TV...oh how I miss having time to watch TV.
8) Staring at a full moon. I would do it for a long time, if I ever could.
9) Hugs. There's just something about a good hug.
10) Dancing~
And this list says...I'm probably suited to be a trophy wife. Or something. XD
I'm going to tag....
pinku_redi ,
rykea ,
kuririnchan ,
chrysa , and
heero_san . ^_^