Oct 18, 2004 08:31
Ever feel like your riding on a wave of pure thought? As if with this mental flow of energy you are being compelled and pushed toward some goal that even you, yourself, do not even see. I often wonder if maybe this is some sort of fate, or a foreordain journey that I am making, have made, and will always follow. Every time I attempt to fight against this feeling and try to make my life of my own accord, I feel it return to me. Maybe I am destined for something that I do not know about, but can kind of wander from side to side down the path as I reach the end. I guess some would say it is God, or some other Heavenly being. I disagree though, for it does not feel holy, or unearthly. I think it may be a manifestation of my reoccurring thought that if you were able to stop time and examine every molecule, energy, and even supernatural force within the universe or whatever else may lie out there that is unbeknownst to us, you could then know the future because you know what will happen. So you in essence have no control over what will happen in your life or where you will end up because it is all going to happen, how it is going to happen. So maybe, just maybe, I am just creating this feeling in my own mind so real that it's almost like it has a will of its own and that is what the hidden power that is pushing me forward is. Then again, maybe I'm just crazy.